Cold Night - KamiKiri

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[ 1338 words ]

This, was horrible.

Counting sheep, late night scenario thinking, squeezing your eyes shut to force yourself into sleep - yet to no avail.
For the past 5 hours you had been trying to get to sleep, but absolutely nothing was working in your favor, much to your dismay.
The night was precariously cold; so cold that you were shivering under the thick duvet, and the added body heat of Kaminari and Eijirou barley made up for anything.
You sat up with a huff, the duvet following you up as you rack your brains on more sleep methods.

The room you all sleep in is strangely disfigured, the shadows of normal every-day objects twisting indifferently, manipulated by your mind, and the dark curtains behind you rustle slightly making a small gasp come out of your mouth.
The windows must be open, no wonder you were so cold!
You scold yourself for being an idiot and twist around to pull them tightly shut, but a voice stops you in your tracks.
"If you don't stop stealing the duvet, I'm going to put my cold feet on you." A sleepy, half-annoyed Kaminari says, penetrating the silence you had going for you.
"Oh, you're awake Kam?" You chuckle quietly, amused by his statement, but staying quiet as to not disturb Kirishima - who's arms were wrapped loosely around Kaminari's waist.
"Yeah, I am now..." He grumbles, gently putting Kiri's arms to the side, and sitting up to your level, surveying your face with a frown.

"Aw, your bedhead's cute." He grins lopsidedly, reaching out and stroking your hair with surprising care, messy from all of the tossing and turning you had been doing to find a comfortable position.
"Thanks?" You surpass a laugh again, Kaminari smiling back and covering your mouth to trap the noise.
You both sit in a sleepy silence for a minute or two, bodies pressed together, sharing the little heat you both have, thoughts from the day swirling around your head.

"I'm guessing you're having a tough time sleeping, hm?" He finally whispers in your ear lightly, lips brushing the tops of your ears ever so slightly, yet causing an inferno to arise within you.
Ears were your weak-point, and it was evident Kaminari knew this, his evil expression infiltrating your vision as he leans in for a kiss.
It's a slow and loving kiss, infused with sleep, but you're grateful for the warmth it brings, making you forget completely about the iciness that lingers about in the air.

You kiss for a good while, the two of you just letting all thoughts and worries drift into it, making the it all the more better.
You eventually pull away, small gasps escaping both your lips as you drink in the much needed oxygen, lust filling Kaminari's eyes as he looks at you like you're his entire world. You lean in for more, but his hands keep you at arms length.
"As much as I want to continue, things might get... well, out of hand, and we wouldn't want to ruin Eijirou's sleep as well, would we..?" He asks rhetorically, a hint of regret in his voice.
"Fine, you're right." You mutter in annoyance, craving more kisses as you settle back down into the bed.
Sneering cold swept back over you once again.
"Kam? Aren't you gonna go back to sleep as well? We have an early start tomorrow so it's probably in your best int—" A finger flies to your lips, sealing them closed. "Ssh... You're so loud babe," He laughs quietly, the bed screeching loudly from underneath him as you hear him stand up.
A questioning gaze fills your face.
"I'm going to get you something warm, it'll help you sleep better." He smiles at you, then at the sleeping red-head who had, somehow, during his sleep, latched his arms around you - giving you an added boost of heat as his soft breaths collided with your goose bumpy neck.
"Alright, just be careful," you frown, thinking about how outrageously klutzy he could be sometimes.
"Hah, will do." He says, giving you a cute little wave as he disappears out of the door and trudging down the stairs follows shortly after.
Damn, he is hardcore, you think to yourself. No lights at all, and he confidently pummels himself down the stairs, as if it were broad daylight.
How crazy?

The rain patters down at a slow pace, some even landing on the curtains, as you realize the window is still open. You hear the kettle splutter on from downstairs, and slowly pry Kiri's arms off of you, sealing the window tightly shut, cutting off the coldness once and for all.

"Baby?" You hear a small and hoarse voice call out from beside your arm.
You had woken up Eijirou too - some partner you are, you thought grimly.
"I'm sorry Ejirou, you should go back to sleep," You whisper soothingly into his ear, hand crawling down his chest slowly, tracing absent-minded circles around his abs, drawing a contented sigh from him.
"No, it's okay, I would rather stay up with you instead Y/N..." He yawns, reaching out for Kaminari to hug, but panic overcomes his face as he realizes that he is not there, duvet drawn and bare where he previously lay.
You read his confused expression and reassure him before he can even ask.
"Kam's downstairs getting us something warm," You explain, entwining your fingers in his pretty locks of hair, gazing into his sleepy, carmine eyes.
"Ohh, I see." He yawns in return, panic melting off his face as you envelop your arms around him, pulling your heartbeats together, perfectly synced.
"You know babe, I love your hugs," He beams widely, dimples forming on both sides of his cheeks.
"And I love hugging you." You reply, nestling your head into his chest, instantly warmer, but the air still chilly.

Soon enough, you heard Kaminari's footsteps lightly tread up the stairs again, weighed down with whatever he had in his hands.
Judging by the steadiness of Kirishima's breathing, you had guessed he had fallen back asleep, but as Kaminari padded into your room, he stirred, elbow brushing against yours as he reached out to clasp your hands in his warm ones. "I'm back," Kaminari whispers, still under the impression Kirishima was asleep.
"I made a hot-water bottle and brought you a glass of water. Oh, and I also brought an extra blanket for us to share, it might help a little." He explains, proudness sweeping over his face, making you return the grin. "Kaminari?" You hear a sleepy voice question from beside you, Kirishima looking up with bleary eyes at you both. "You're awake too?! Ugh, tomorrow is not gonna be good guys," Kam groans, checking his small gold watch that he always put by the bedside table before sleeping. Kiri rubs his eyes slowly, as if coaxing them to go back to sleep.

The bed makes a low groaning sound as Kaminari sits next to you, lying the piping hot water-bottle between you both, and you watch as he struggles to pull the fluffy blanket over you all, Kirishima already dozing off beside you - his breath tickling your neck once again.
"Is that idiot asleep already? I'm jealous." You sigh, wishing you found it that easy to get to sleep.
There were nights where you would get no sleep at all, dark circlets beneath your eyes were beginning to form a little too often for your liking.
"Hmm, same here..." Kaminari murmurs, pulling you in for some heart-melting cuddles, already half-asleep.
His hand traveled up your warm cheeks, and he slowly caressed them, taking his time to explore your whole face, fingers gliding smoothly against your jawline, and small massages just behind your ears.
These movements continued, and it was almost like a drug; your very own sleeping pills.
You let yourself relax and melt into his touch, forgetting about all problems and drifting away into a happy and astronomical sleep, ready for the big day to come in the morning.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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