Pamper day - Kiribaku

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Going to the beach and doing activities when you could in your spare time was great and all - but sometimes when you collectively had days off, it was paradise just mooching around your house in pj's and large, engulfing blankets that were twice the size of you. And that was exactly what you intended to do today... until Kirishima woke you and Katsuki up in an awfully adventurous mood — he was such a morning person, and although you loved him dearly, it really was quite aggravating sometimes.

"Guys, get dressed, we should do something today!" He positively beams, trying to throw off your cosy covers whilst you groan and complain drearily. Your eyes had barely adjusted to the light spilling into the room, and his energy was just too much for the moment. You can see the same peeved expression on Bakugo's face, only he doesn't even attempt to hide his annoyance. "Shut up Kiri, it's, what? 9am?" He says with his scathing morning voice. "9:18 actually - that's a whole 3 hour lie-in compared to what we usually get. Come on, get your lazy asses up!" Kirishima grins, still trying to remove the duvet from your warm bodies. "Ejirou, it's cold!" You complain bitterly. Again, as much as you loved him, you were definitely not a morning person, and if he managed to throw the covers off you would soo-

He threw them off.

"Shitty hair..!" Bakugo growls in warning, sounding a little surprised that he'd actually thrown the covers off of him. In a split second, Bakugo tackles Kirishima in one swift movement, leaping up as if all the laziness had been abolished from him, converted into anger-energy. "Woah- Bakugo!" His cries and laughs are muffled by Bakugo smothering him, whilst you shiver and crawl to get the duvet cover that fell to the floor.

"Quick Y/N!" You hear Bakugo shout, and you make haste when you see Kirishima escaping Bakugo's strong clutch. "No!" You feebly push Kirishima away as he reaches the duvet, and with maximum effort, you manage to snatch the duvet and cocoon it around you in triumph. "Awh man, no fair, two against one!" Kirishima sighs,  collapsing on the bed in defeat. "Serves you right." You huff, diving back into the warmth and comfort of your spot. "You gonna let me in or what? I helped you!" Bakugo says, and you peak out, relenting when you see goosebumps all over his toned arms. "Fine, I guess you can come in." You giggle, quickly opening the duvet-ball for him, whilst Kirishima sighs. "You two really don't wanna go anywhere today?" Both you and Bakugo look at each other under the duvet, your eyes shimmering with unspoken agreement. "Yeah, we're fine right where we are shitty hair, so don't even try anything." Bakugo says, shifting closer to you. "Aww... what a shame. Well, if we're gonna stay here all day, how about we make it special!" He suggests. At this, both you and Bakugo poke your heads out and look at him to hear his suggestion. "Special, how?" You ask skeptically. "Don't say it like that! I promise I have nothing but love for you both... if you don't wanna go out that's fine, I'll make it a great day anywhere we are!" He says cheerfully, and you see that he's being genuine.

"So, how are you gonna make it a 'special day' then, huh?" Bakugo says, voice muffled from the duvet and your shoulder. Kirishima laughs. "Well, since you guys look very... attached to the bed right now, I'll go make some breakfast and bring it up for you." At this, your annoyance at him completely vanishes, and you find yourself overcome with the familiar feeling of butterflies brushing your stomach that had plagued you ever since the three of you started dating. You sit up slowly from the bed, making sure Bakugo still has the covers. "You sure?" You yawn, eyeing him. "Of course," He smiles softly, gently bringing you into a hug. His grey cotton shirt is a great competitor to the silk duvet, and you can't bring yourself to let go as he tenderly tries to pull away. "Awe, my baby wants more hugs?" He says in a teasing voice, and still being in a sleepy state, you just simply nod and collapse back into his shoulder.

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