Theme Park - TodoKiriDeku

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It had been one of your greatest desires to visit a theme park recently, so you were over the moon when Todoroki had announced he had bought tickets online to the new one built an hour away from your house. You were currently standing in the long, winding queue where people moving seemed non-existent, and constant screams of fun hanging in the air briefly before sky-rocketing away made you particularly fidgety with excitement. "Y/NN, babe, chill out! We're almost at the end, pinky swear," Kirishima grins, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop you from bouncing around agitatedly. "Sorryy, I can never cope well in queues, especially when something funs on the other side," You apologise, looking wistfully into the distance at the towering, looming roller coasters. Izuku, following your line of sight, scoots towards you, away from Shoto who had taken to just flopping his head on anyone nearby as a coping mechanism for being in the queue. "Do you think you'll wanna go on the scary rides, puppy?" He asks, gulping at the sight of the cart going super fast, people screaming and then zooming off onto another loop further away. You pause for a moment; did you want to? "I don't know... I think I'll decide when we get in the park." You say indefinitely, chewing your lip. "I think we totally should! It's super safe and gives you a massive adrenaline rush, what is there not to like?" Kirishima cheers, trying to convince you. "Well... maybe the fact it's so high up?" You say bemusedly, watching Kiri have to tilt his head upward to see the top of the coaster ahead. "Ah, you could be right there, that is quite tall..." He laughs nervously. Shoto steps forward, ushering you all into the small gap that had been made in the queue. "We'll be fine as long as we all stick together," He says, brushing a strand of loose, red hair out of Kirishima's face with a frown. "Yeah, you're right! Why don't we make a pact - whatever ride the majority of us want to go on, we all have to go on it, wether we like it or not!" Izuku suggests, eyes lighting up. At this thought, you gulped looking wary at the others agreeing. "What if... One of us really, really, doesn't want to go on said ride," You shuffle around on your feet, stuffing your hands into your pockets and looking anywhere but their eyes. "Well, I guess then, and only then, an exception can be made," Shoto comforts calmly, slipping his hand into yours as you feel relief wash over you. "I'm sure I will go on all the rides but I was just-" Oh. Shoto cuts you off with a quick kiss to the lips, and you feel yourself turn a bright red when you see people in the queue staring at this. "Shoto-!" You exclaim, pushing him away in embarrassment. "Aww is someone not in a kissy mood?" Kirishima teases, puckering his lips up and blowing you kisses as you scowl out of sheer embarrassment. "No... I do like kisses, just not in a public queue." You mutter, the red finally dissipating from your face as Shoto smirks. "Right, got it. I'll make sure to kiss you lots when we get out then."

After what seems like eternity, you're out of the godamn queue, venturing out into the big theme park. It has rides galore - everywhere your vision turns there's a new decorative sign indicating a ride, a map, food bars and little children rushing about hectically to their parents, stuffed toys twice the size of them in their arms. "Aren't they cute?" You exclaim, making way for a little boy running past you with a lollipop wedged into his mouth. "Mm... maybe, but they look annoying." Shoto shrugs, a hesitant look on his face as he sees your shocked expression. "Annoying? Look at their faces light up when they see a simple bit of candy - or their small little shoes," You coo, trying to coax the wrongness out of him. Kirishima laughs, wrapping his arm around your waist. "Sounds like someone might have baby fever," He teases, causing you to blush and stumble over your words. "Well, cmon, you can't blame mee," You say, gesturing around you. "I think that the way they look at candy sort of reminds me of you Y/N, whenever I even talk about it you go googly-eyed," Izuku chuckles, making you all laugh. "Anyway, enough of this, we need to decide which rides we want to go on." Shoto exclaims, stopping us all with his arm. All of you hum in agreement, surveying the map. Whilst they scour it, you find yourself venturing off, drawn towards a bright blue sign. "Guys! This ride has, like, no queue," You yell, waving them over. "You sure?" Kirishima squints, looking up at it whilst Shoto and Izuku read the sign. "Yes! Come on, I don't care what it is, I'm really not feeling another long ass queue right now." You say determinedly. "Baby, are you sure? I think it's a w-" You wag your finger in his face, grasping his wrist lightly. "Please Shoto? It's majority vote, Kiri wants to go on too," You plead, watching the conflict melt away every second that passes. "Fine," He sighs.

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