Examination - Tamaki&Mirio

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@__Abyss_Abyss__   ——> tysm for the suggestion! This one is a little longer than the previous ones:)

The torrid heat of the afternoon had you in an even bitter mood than the morning, the glaring sun making your skin feel sticky and oozing with streams of sickly sweat. You felt like living, breathing, shit - and it wasn't just your physical appearance that was spiralling out of your control in the beaming sun; it was your classmates who also added to the pool of liability gathering in your stomach.

You knew you shouldn't hold them accountable, which just enlarged your guilt, but the way they effortlessly came out of tests confident and beaming, agitated you. Kicking a stone on the ground, you stifle an angry sob, watching it roll away, and drop into a nearby drain with a little clink from the place you sat on the ground. You wanted to do well in tests, you really did. You longed for the confidence your classmates walked out with instead of the withering, sick, feeling that ate away at your insides whilst you kept a strained, smiling face. But, procrastination says no. Flash cards, mind maps, notes, you name it - half an hours work would be completed in the span of 2 hours due to your inability to just stay put and revise. It bored you endlessly, so you would do anything but revision for the majority of the time, unlike your goddamn boyfriends.

Mirio and Tamaki always encouraged you to do revision, and with these big finals coming up in a matter of weeks, it was all they had been doing. From the moment they got home, to late at night, they always had their noses buried in thick, lengthy textbooks that made you turn your nose up at the sight of them. In fact, as you waited for them to pick up the pace and meet you by the school gate, you were sure you could see the blurry, distant figure of Tamaki holding Flashcards in his hands. "Such a nerd..." You whisper fondly under your breath, the hot breeze evaporating your words away in a matter of seconds.

Finally, Tamaki and Mirio reach you, their eyes flashing to you, who lay sprawled out lazily on the grass by the gate. "Hey Y/N, you feeling better now?" Mirio asks, his voice attempting to stay level, however the end of his sentence raises up in a way you can decipher as concern. He must've kept in mind your strange attitude this morning. "I'm fine," You huff, gathering your bags and keeping your vision aligned with the ground as you scramble up. "You sure..?" He digs, eyebrows raised, and you curl your fists into balls, nails digging into the flesh of your palms. "Yes," You snap much more hastily than intended, surprising both yourself and the other two in the process, who look at you instantaneously with worry. You were usually never bothered like this - they knew something was up from the minute you had a gloomy scowl etched on your face in the morning. "Sorry," You say quietly, rubbing your arm in embarrassment at your sudden burst of anger. "It's fine Y/N, ah, um, but... what's troubling you baby?" Tamaki utters, face pinched with adorable apprehension as he fiddles with his mountainous heap of neat Flashcards. You bite down gently on the edge of your lip, eyes darting from the Flashcards, to him, to Mirio. "I've just had a shit day... and I..." You trail off, eyes watering as you try to gain composure. "Y/N!?" Mirio exclaims, noticing your watery eyes, instantly enveloping you in his strong arms. "W- Tell me what's bothering you baby. It's clear somethings not been completely right since this morning," He says, his eyelashes sweeping against your cheek as he peppers kisses there. You pull away gently, lips wavering. "Can.. I'm sorry. Can we just... start walking," You mumble, your eyes trained on the ground. Silenced by your reluctance to tell, they both nod in sync, exchanging a concerned look as they begin walking either side of you.

In 10 minutes, you reach the outside gate of Tamaki's house, the sprinkler on at full power spurting thin ribbons of water into the air and onto the dry, thirsting grass. "Are you guys going home, or do you wanna hang out here?"Tamaki offers shyly, dark eyes flitting from yours to Mirios. You want to be alone and just cry, but what good would that do? Nothing - you'd just end up feeling all sorry for yourself in misery for the rest of the day. "If your mum's okay with it, I'll be glad to come in!" Mirio grins. "Great! Um, Y/N? Are you..." He gestures, hand rubbing his hair awkwardly. "Yeah," You say hoarsely, simultaneously walking up his drive, avoiding the sprinklers, and pushing open the door with a frown.

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