TodoBakuDeku - Lazy

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[ 758 words ]

Izuku's hands were soft and fairly uncalloused despite all of the hero work he did, not unlike an unbloomed tulip, its newly formed head of affable petals doughy and mellow against yours.
The two of you had been snuggled up in an erratic heap for the past few hours, doing nothing else besides doting on one another and relishing in the affection and warmth you brought to each-other's hearts. "Isn't it sad how we can't stay like this forever," You spoke softly into the fuzzy fabric of Izuku's sweater, taking in the current atmosphere and how you felt as vividly as you could, wishing moments like this could be captured as eloquent and everlasting photographs. "Perhaps..." He articulates, guiding your head away from the comfort of his shoulder to make you peer into his laxed out eyes. "But then we would never see the others." He hums, prodding gently at your cheek with a muted laugh, one you return.

"They've been in the other room for quite some time now. I wonder what they're up too?" You question, the urge to get up and investigate unparalleled to your desire to stay trussed up in a mountainous and warm blanket pile, and even more so, with an endless downpour of tender kisses and cuddles. "Last time I saw them, I think they were both watching some type of quiz show on TV," Izuku laughs, running his hands through your hair and twisting sections with care. "Oh yeah, that's right! They were causing such a racket..." You mumble, reaching up and taking his hand out of your hair before pressing his fingers to your cheek, the warmth making  you shudder.

Multiple more hours must have passed before you heard anything from the other two, time becoming irrelevant as you listened to the steady rhythm of Izuku's heart, both slipping in and out of lucidness, the warmth and comfort of each others bodies making both of your eyes heavy with bliss.
"Jeez, we've been waiting forever for you guys to get up out of this room. It'll be night before you know it, and then you won't be tired because you've been lazing around all day, and then we'll have to put up with two enthusiastic bitches all night." Katsuki yelled quietly, making sure you were both awake before using his usual loud tone of voice. "But you've got to agree, they look so cute like this." Shoto coos, adoration mixed with teasing all over his face as you strained your sleepy eyes up at him.
"Just look at those bleary confused expre-"  "Okay, okay Shoto. Just get to the point." Katsuki says, giving him a nudge and a not-so secretive glance.
"Hm, I don't know what your talking about..." 
"Yes you do idiot, what did we just spend the last fucking hour on huh?" He whispers aggressively, swivelling his eyes around as if you and Izuku weren't directly in front of him.
"Oh, I see. Go on, tell them then." Shoto muses, pushing Katsuki forward.

After some cursing and muffled grunts, and plenty of 'what the fuck' looks thrown between you and Izuku, he finally got to the point.
"Fine, so um. I, I mean we, may have made you both dinner on a tray so you can eat it on the sofa with all the blankets and stuff." A long silence carried out, you and Izuku giving him a long, hard stare.
"W... Why are you looking at me like that? It's not just a normal crappy dinner, we did both of your favorites so..." You both burst out into laughter, Shoto chuckling a little as well, resting his head on Katsuki's tense shoulder. Just to put Katsuki out of his misery, you decide to answer him.
"That's really nice of you love." You say, blowing him a kiss of appreciation, which he catches half-heartedly and puts to his chest. "Why were you laughing?" He asks, before turning out the door.
"Just at how much of a big deal you made about telling us," Izuku laughs, pulling you down into more cuddles.

The food was divine, Shoto insisting on feeding you the first few mouthfuls himself before relenting and sitting down reluctantly with Katsuki on the opposing sofa. Despite Katsuki's prediction, you in fact did not feel energized when your regular sleeping time came around, and felt inclined to remain in the comfort of the blanket fort with Izuku - Your rhythmic heartbeats and steady, warm breaths providing the perfect ambience for the perfect night.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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