A Trip to Disney - TodoBaku

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The house was complete haywire - clothes being stuffed into bags hurriedly, toothbrushes and toothpaste toppling off the counters as they are tossed into rumpled sanitary bags, and stressful sighs bounce off the walls as you all prepare for your trip. The boy's had suggested that you and them take a break from hero work for the week, and had booked first-class tickets to fly to Florida, and stay in a Disney resort, unbeknownst to you. They had assured you that the cost was no big deal, as they had been saving for months, and Shoto wasn't too reluctant to inform you that he had partly used his Dad's credit card, a mischievous glint lightening up his brilliant eyes at the thought.

You had never been to America before, and had the faintest idea of what to wear, so decided to ask Katsuki on advice on what to pack as he wandered into your shared room, face smug from winning a point of a dumb quiz show with Shoto. He got what was bothering you before you could even ask, evident perplexity must be obviously drawn on your face. "Need help babe?" He asks whilst hurling a dirty shirt from the floor into your shared washing bin, basketball style, a perfect slam dunk. "Well, Yeah..." You shoot him a remorseful look, the two dresses you had on hangers clattering to the floor as you drop them in defeat and flop down on the bed, sinking down at the added weight. He hums, signalling a bemused look at you as you follow his movements to the wardrobe. "You have anything picked out already dumbass?" He inquires, not making eye-contact as he digs through your assortment of clothes heavily, rummaging for suitable stuff. "Just this jumper," You huff, folding it neatly and placing it at the bottom of the bag. You sit there for a while, listening into the neighbors blaring music and the kitchen sounds as Shoto cooks you both some quick food you can gulp down before you all leave for the airport. "Alright, this should be good. Make sure you put in your extra stuff like those shitty books and makeup if you want them." He sighs, poking his tongue out at you as he folds it all messily into the bag. You lean up and give him a light kiss on the cheek before he saunters out, cheeks flushed crimson.

Finally, you were all set to go! "Want me to take that for you my love?" You hear Shoto ask, strong arms already wrapping around you, ready to take your heavy bag. It's tempting, but you're fairly sure you can make it to the car without dropping it. "I'll be fine Sho," You grin at him, linking your spare arm with difficulty to his as you teeter towards the car. "Idiots..." You hear Bakugo muffle a laugh as he strides past, black bag slung over his shoulder as he makes his way to the boot of the car. "That's not very nice Katsuki, are you implying Y/N here is an idiot?" Shoto smirks whilst taking your bag from your hands. You pretend to look rather sad, a pout playing on your lips. "What?! No- Well yes, but I mean it in a good way?" He splutters, unsure of his own reasoning, making you and Shoto erupt into laughter at his mortified expression. "Tch, just get in the car..." He mutters under his breath, realization that it was a joke crashing over him as he opens the drivers door. "Sure you don't want me to drive baby?" Shoto probes in a somewhat seductive manner. "Uh... I'm good," Katsuki chokes back, red creeping up his neck once again as he jumps in the car and switches the engine on.

The drive to the airport is calming. There is something so nostalgic as you peer out of the rain drenched window, blurry yet bright lights reflecting off cars, and the slow rumble of the engine humming lowly as you all sit in a comfortable silence, enjoying the ride. It's late, and the weight of sleep pulls your eyes down as you get sucked into the gentle flow of the cars movement, the low chatter of radio hosts drift further and further away. This all comes to an end however when the car comes to an abrupt stop, an apologetic glance from Shoto through the mirror at front as Katsuki switches off the engine with force. Your eyes adjust to the shapes outside, and you can't help but squeal when the door is thrown open, the sharp, night wind hitting against your warm body temperature, making you feel vulnerable. "Someones sleepy," Shoto teases you, giving you a single hand to help you out, shoes scuffing on the shiny tarmac as you yawn. The airport stands invitingly in front of you, intense light radiating off every part of it. "Come on, wake up Y/N," Bakugo shakes you lightly, enveloping you into a surprisingly warm hug. You rub your eyes for a few seconds, and give them a bleary look. "Alright, lets go."

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