Under the Weather - ShinsoDeku

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[ 1526 words ]

Hii guyss sorry I haven't been uploading I've just been super busy with school and haven't had much spare time! Enjoy <3

"Ugh it's so chilly nowadays..." You complain miserably, teeth chattering uncontrollably from the piercing coldness of the days weather.
It had been dreadful all week, icy-cold gales and wretched downpours occurring almost everyday much to your disliking — you much preferred basking in the sunshine, eating refreshing ice lollies and dipping your feet along the edge of pools.

"I told you my love, you can always take my jacket." Izuku offers as you both jog to the door of your house, but his wavering voice and stone-cold hands on yours compel you to bear the coldness for just a little longer.
"No, it's fine... there's no point; we're literally right here." You decline softly, fumbling with the key before it unlocks with a satisfactory click.

The warmth that spills out of the open door makes you smile contentedly, your body instantly ridding itself of all the built up muscular tension.
"I'll take your bags, why don't you go check on Hitoshi?" You say, slamming the door behind you once you've both entered, grasping Izuku's tote full of hero stuff in the other hand.
"Oh, yeah, thanks. I'll go see if he's feeling any better... the cold he caught sounded nasty this morning." He says, kissing you softly on the cheek before trekking up the stairs.
You sigh and slide your frosted-over coat onto the banister, the slick plastic slipping off the texture of other coats. In your frustration, you quickly catch it before it clatters to the floor, and hook it onto the nearby peg that you almost always hit your head on when entering the house instead.

The kettle makes a gargling sound as you switch it on, the noise concealing your pained hiss as lemon juice sidles into a recent cut on your finger.
You had taken up the laborious task of cutting lemons to conjure up a hot lemon tea for Shinso, who was suffering from that wretched cold.
You'd had to leave him this morning due to pressing hero duties, but his pink nose and flushed cheeks told you everything you needed to know, and you bore your hopes on the lemon tea to help recover him back to his normal, healthy self.

Soon enough, the lemon slices were bobbing up and down in steaming hot water, and you smiled triumphantly at your concoction. The stairs were a little hard to climb with the mug, the scalding liquid swinging precariously from side to side, licking the rim of the mug ferociously as you continued your climb upwards.
"Y/N, there you are. I don't think Hitoshi's doing so well; he's still ice cold despite the heating being on full blast." Izuku sweats, opening the doorway to the bedroom for you. You step in carefully, heart inflating when you see how dreary Shinso looked.
"Ah, I was wondering when you were going to come." He grins weakly, before sneezing into a tissue just in time.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry — I was making you this." You laugh nervously, holding the mug of lemon tea out to him, his eyes widening in curiosity and smugness.

"Just be careful with it okay? Sit up when you drink it." You instruct, placing it on the side momentarily and stuffing some pillows behind his back to make him upright.
"Ah, thanks." He sniffs, a small hint of a smile on his face as he looks at both you and Izuku.
"What is it?" Izuku enquires, passing him the tea carefully whilst you fuss with the pillows behind him and dig around the drawers for extra blankets.
"Well... I wasn't planning on saying this out loud, but, I really appreciate it you guys." He mumbles, taking a large sip of lemon tea.
"It's no problem, you two took excellent care of me when I was under the weather, so it's only right of me to do the same! And besides, how could anyone not help someone so beau—oh ah hah! Sorry I didn't even know I was saying that!" Izuku blushes, covering his mouth in an almost animated way, causing you and Shinso to laugh.

"You think I'm beautiful huh? Hah, thanks Izuku, I have to admit you look ever so handsome yourself. And you Y/N, look amazing today, did you do something to your hair?" He grins, enjoying the fact that he still had you both wrapped around his fingers whilst in a state of weakness.
"Oh stop, do you always have to be so tiresome, even when we're looking after you? Just... relax for once. I can see you've been doing paperwork even in bed..." You scold him gently, surveying the paper and unlidded pen that's been hastily pushed aside; probably from when he heard the door open.
"But it's important babe, I can't just put off work that needs to be done by a deadline and wallow in the fact I have a shitty cold okay? It's annoying I know, but I just have to push through it." He says, his voice straining with the effort of speaking.
"Shinso, I would totally agree with you if I were some type of workaholic, but I'm not, and the fact remains that you can barely speak for fucks sake, meaning no work for you." You retort, placing the lemon tea mug aside and onto the bedside table. A look of uncertainty still lingers in Shinso's eyes. "Look, just follow me."

The sun is setting when the pillow fortress is almost completed, your hair a mess from multiple pillow fights, both you and Izuku trying not to hit Shinso too hard. You'd come up with the idea of making one to keep Shinso from doing work when he shouldn't be.
"Come on guys, I'm not THAT fragile." He'd moaned, causing you and Izuku to giggle. Not that fragile hm, you thought, looking at his now splayed out figure on the couch, falling asleep before the pillow fort was even half done.
You and Izuku smile fondly at him, pressing another warm towel to his forehead.
"I don't think I've ever felt someone get so cold because of a cold, you know." Izuku says, touching Shinso's cheek carefully. You repeat this action, and feel how icy his cheeks are.
"Jeez, that's almost as cold as the outside was today... I thought getting ill was supposed to make you really hot."  You question, Izuku nodding along.
"It goes both ways, but being cold is definitely the worst of the two in my opinion." He says sympathetically, giving Shinso's forehead a scattering of kisses before turning to you.

"Well, we were supposed to be watching a film and sleeping in here, but Mr. 'not fragile' decided to fall asleep on us." Izuku sighs jokingly, nearing you and grabbing your waist delicately.
"Meaning..?" You smile, lips inching closer to his.
"Well..." He whispers, hot breath ghosting your mouth, the air full of unsprung tension, winding like a coil.
"It means we have the fortress to ourselves."

He closes the minute gap between your parted lips and kisses you softly, savouring your flavour as he buries his roughened hands into your hair.
Gently, you push him down into the mess of pillows, fondling his chest whilst you lock lips with him once more, with much more passion opposed to the gentle kiss you shared moments ago. You gasp softly and took a moment to breathe as his hands trail down your lower back, his fingers creating circular motions that make your spine tingle with pleasure.

His lips eagerly move back to yours, but your kisses grow sloppy and disoriented from his exhilarating touch.
"Kiss me properly when I touch you," He whispers, his fingers teasingly going all the way up and all the way down. You obey his request and focus on kissing him well, and his hands wander to your stomach, flipping you around so that he's on top of you. His kisses reach much deeper this way, and you can't hold yourself back from gasping for breath when you feel his thighs, closeted in tight jeans, brush against your inner thigh.
"Mm, I live for your voice baby..." He pants, diving in for another passionate kiss.
"Izu... we really shouldn't, uh, do this, without Hitoshi." You say hesitantly, pushing his face away and attempting to crawl out from beneath him. A arm blocks your path and abruptly stops you from moving.
"I don't think so. We share you... Shinso won't mind." He says stubbornly, peppering kisses along your jaw as you chew your lip in reluctance. "Fine, but you'd better be quiet!"

The early chirping of birds awoke Shinso from his sleep before you and Izuku - both too physically and mentally drained to even listen to your bodies built in alarm clocks.
"Urgh gross, they could of at least covered up." He winces, looking at you both with disappointment and a hint of amusement. He throws a blanket over you and Izuku, and lays down beside you, gathering you both close in his arms before shutting his eyes tight once more. You sleep and cuddle all throughout the rest of the day, and by the time the weekend passes, Shinso's fully recovered, and happy as ever.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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