Phone Addict - BakuTodo

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Lately, your fans had been begging you to post on social media more frequently, and you couldn't help but to give in once this torment went on for a good few weeks or so. You weren't one to flaunt on social media, and preferred to post only on well-deserved occasions, but even the simplest of posts would get insane amounts of attention; likes, shares, reposts and much much more.

The entire week you were busy tweeting, posting polls, and filming videos for all of your socials — and you were taken by surprise when you kept seeing edits of yourself on tiktok with overwhelmingly positive feedback. You wondered why you didn't post more, the amount of happiness it was bringing you felt crazy, and all of the inspiring comments lifted you out of even the grimiest moods. However, Shoto and Bakugo weren't so keen on your new taking to social media — they knew firsthand it could be a dangerous and upsetting territory to fall into, and they barely saw you all week, as you were consistently glued to your phone whenever they spotted you.

"Baby, why don't you put your phone down for now hm? You've been on it all day and we want cuddles." Shoto whines, his eyebrows narrowing slightly as you just hum absent mindedly at his words, not paying attention at all; a particularly eye catching post had caught your attention.
"Hey, you better listen to him when he's speaking Y/N. I know he's not the most interesting guy to listen to but cmon, you've been on that shitty phone all week long." Bakugo mumbles, wrapping his arms around your shoulders carefully, and gently pulling at your phone.
"Mmmm just give me a moment." You say, swiping through some irrelevant feed as Bakugo's face twitches in concealed irritation, his annoyance getting the better of him as an idea pops it's way into his head.

He tugs you down onto the bed where Shoto feebly lies, and your phone is sent flying out of your hands and thankfully landing on the safety of the sheets.
"Whoops, my bad." Bakugo sniggers, locking his strong arms around you like a prison when you attempt to get up and grab it.
"Let me go Katsuki! I was in the middle of-"

Shoto sighs loudly interrupting you and dramatically rises from where he was lying daintily, a look of pain and betrayal on his face as he reaches over and grabs the phone with two slender fingers, examining it warily like it could bite him at any given moment. "I'm sorry baby but I'm gonna have to put a temporary ban on it." He says, gazing into your wide, disbelieving eyes with a wistful look.
"You refused us cuddles... and now you must bear the punishment. Besides, me and Katsuki have been left in the dust all week with you being on that dreaded thing, so I have no regret in my actions." He smiles uncertainly and takes away the phone, placing it on top of your large wooden wardrobe with struggle, then laying smugly down on the bed again, satisfied with your frozen look.

"Shoto! You can't just take away my phone from me, that's not how it works!" You say, still in denial at what had just happened. It was true you hadn't spent much time with them this week, but you had more important stuff to be doing — taking selfies and... oh no. You really did feel lame after saying that inside your head; you had become one of those self-absorbed, phone obsessed people hadn't you!
"I know I don't have the right to take it away from you... But can't you at least give us both some cuddles before you go on it again?" He tries, eyes pleading whilst he pats the welcoming spot beside him, Katsuki eyeing it up hungrily in return, his arms still wrapped firmly around you. You sigh in bitter defeat, relaxing your struggling muscles and choosing your words.
"No... You're right. I have a fan base and I should totally still upload to social media, but I also need to understand that being on there 24/7 isn't healthy for me, or you guys in this matter." You admit sheepishly, letting your longing gaze drop from the phone laying flatly atop of the wardrobe, averting to Katsuki's crimson eyes. You give him a smile and beckon him to lie down with you next to Shoto, the cool wind seeping through the window and rustling the white billowing curtains ever so slightly making the atmosphere feel heavenly.

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