Hot - DekuKamiKiriBaku

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Sometimes, you wondered what sort of saint you must've been in a past life to deserve to lay eyes upon the sights you saw almost every day.
It was almost the end of a blistering summer, and you had all decided to go swimming at a nearby outdoor centre, to soak up the last of the summer rays and have fun. Swimming wasn't really your thing, and neither did it particularly appeal to Kaminari due to his quirk not being so compatible to water, so you both had hurriedly bundled yourself onto the two comfortable sun loungers before the others could even attempt to persuade you to get in the water. "This is perfect," Kaminari yawns, and you turn your head towards him in agreement. The sun beats down through the canopy of leaves above you, and crescent patterns of sunlight shadow his face. Wow. "What more could you ask for than a comfortable lounger, no clouds in the sky, and the ability to see our very hot lovers in swimming trunks." He continues, sighing dreamily whilst playing mindlessly with a sunscreen cap. Laughing a little under your breath, you slap his arm lightly. "Is that all you came for Kam? You're such an idiot," You giggle, pinching his tacky tinted sun shades off of his face and throwing them about 5 inches away from his grasp onto the dry grass. "Uuuugh, was that really necessary? No? I didn't think so." He huffs, standing up and bending down to get them, then plonking down beside you and throwing a few strands of grass at your face. "Hey! You know I have hayfever bitch!" You try to push him away but he clings onto you, his contagious laugh making you stifle a hiccup. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" He wheezes, sitting upright and tucking a piece of his hair roughly behind his ear. "Hmm. Apology forgiven, I guess." You smile, leaning into him for a kiss. After 10 seconds, he pulls away, letting you catch your breath before gently nudging you to the right side of the sun bed. "It's big enough for both of us, I'd say. Whaddaya think? Let's watch some eye candy together!" He laughs, popping a sweet into your mouth and watching you roll your eyes with a goofy grin. "Aww come on, we both know very well that as soon as they get out of that changing room your 'I don't get flustered at all' mask is gonna shatter, BOOM straight to the ground!" He laughs, and you can feel your cheeks turning flamingo pink at his teasing. "Shut up! I... can't deny the truth though," you admit, turning away from him in mock shame, as he gasps vigorously. "And you admit it!? It's okay sunshine, we can both be blushing messes together - aand looks like that's gonna be put to the test now." He whispers excitedly. "Shit."

And that's how you found yourself clinging onto Kaminari's arm with a grip as strong as gorilla glue. "Wow... I mean ow!" He says, wrenching you off without even glancing momentarily away from them. All 3 of them had come out of the changing room doors, and to be quite frank, it was just too much. They had towels slung over their toned shoulders, and humidity of the day and stuffy changing rooms had procured a hot sweat above their brows. And most of all... every little detail of their muscular abs was on show for the whole swimming pool to gawk at, exaggerated by their low slung swim trunks - which yours truly had picked out. Why did you do this shit to yourself? "Uh Denki?" You whisper, barely audible. "What is it? Do you see them? They look so delic-" This was not going to pan out well for you, why did they have to look so good? The embarrassment levels were going to be way too high when they got here. "Uhh I agree, yeah! They look totally delectable. Buut I totally have to go and... uh," You dart your vision around and cringe as soon as your eyes land on the waterslide, but the rapid pace of Kirishima, Deku and Bakugo approaching you and waving made you blurt out your poorly made excuse in seconds. "Go and test out the water slide, yeah, that's it! Have fun!" You scramble off the lounger, scraping your knee in the process, and breaking into a jog to join the water slide queue. You curse under your breath. There was no way in hell you'd be able to keep your hands off them looking like that, and that, was not good; there were kids around. You jumped around on your toes nervously, until the fact that you were in the queue for a water slide hit you like a bus. Shit. You couldn't even back out now, there was a thick line of kids blocking your escape route, and the hazardous blue stairs were way too slippery to climb back down, especially when they were only built to go one way. You gulped and took the last step, so that you were now standing on the very top platform of the slide; only two more people lingered infront of you before it was your turn to go. No no no no no! You weren't even wet yet, you were completely dry to the bone; and you liked it that way. After completing that damn slide you would be submerged in a freezing blast of chlorinated water. Well shit. Waving from down below in the pool catches your eyes, and you feel even more panic stricken when you realise it's Kirishima and Bakugo. The life guard gives you a fed up look from above her shades and blows into her whistle loudly, causing you to cover your ears reflexively. "Ya gonna go or not?" She says sharply whilst checking her nails, and you turn and look momentarily at the hideous stairs. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that." You give her a wavering smile and turn to the shoot of the slide, fast paced water gushing down at a treacherous pace. You sit down, the freezing water enveloping your legs making you shiver. "Okay, it's all clear." She gives you the go ahead, returning to her magazine. Time seemed to slow down as you pushed yourself with uncertain force; but hell, did it speed back up again when you plummeted down the slide, your screams echoing off the plastic green walls. It wasn't like you hated water slides or anything of the sort, you had just had a pretty bad experience last time you'd gone on one. The grooves of the slide had been slightly raised, so every time you had turned a particularly tight corner you would slide full speed into the raised part, causing you to have a sore behind for the next couple of weeks. If it made you feel any better, Katsuki also went on it, and suffered with you. But now, you had just screwed your eyes shut, trying to shield your eyes from the flecks of water and mentally preparing your body for the shock of submerging under the icy water. You endured one final twist, and then saw the light - and the menacing blue beneath it - approaching quicker than you'd have liked. It was there before you even knew it, the coldness of the water worse than you'd have ever expected as your hair obscured your vision. Moments after, arms find and wrap around you, taking you swiftly to the side to avoid you being crushed in the pathway of kids plummeting down the slide right into your pathway. "Hey there Y/N! Why didn't you just tell us you were going on the slide? I would've joined you in a heartbeat," You hear the overly cheerful voice of Kirishima say right by your ear as rough hands brush away your sea-weedy hair to the side. "That. Was my fucking thirteenth reason why." You say with wide eyes, simply just standing there, shivering, in the pool. "Oh come on, don't be so dramatic! Wanna go again? We should so totally go again - together this time!" Kirishima whoops, trying to drag you over the to pool rungs, but you muster enough energy to wriggle out of his grip. "No, no, and no. I need to dry off!" You say, teeth chattering as you start to wade over to the steps. You're almost done climbing them, when a forceful grip pulls you back down into the pool, making you drink a mouthful of water at the surprise. When you pop back up again, you turn straight around and give the person - Bakugo - the foulest glare you could muster. "Katsuki, seriously?! You of all people should know that I don't wanna go on slides anymore," You huff, backing away from him beside Kirishima. "Why did you go on it in the first place then dumbass? I heard from Kaminari that you were way too flustered to even be around us. Why's that? It's your own doing if your unable to even hold a conversation with us when we're wearing your selection of swimming trunks." He sneers pointedly, folding his arms. Ah, he had you there. "No that is not-!" The two men give you looks of smugness as blush starts to creep up your neck. "Fine..." You admit, turning away from them. At this point, you would do anything to get out of the pool. "Fine what? I can't seem to remember what question I asked," Bakugo says cockily. No matter how sexy his voice sounded at times, he needed to learn when to shut his fucking mouth sometimes, it was making you super agitated. "Fine, as in you all look way too hot wearing them, and it's making me go crazy. Happy now?" You scowl, finally hauling yourself out of the pool, aware of them following behind you.

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