Lucid Dreams - BakuKami

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[ 1995 words ]

The art of lucid dreaming had filled your mind with curiosity for quite some time now, it's mechanisms intriguing you.

You'd tried it from time to time, but it just never seemed to work, however now that the subject had strayed into your mind, you wanted to give it another shot — properly this time.

After researching online, you padded downstairs carefully, nightgown brushing your knees as you treaded lightly on the wooden slabs.
The most important part of this was your mind and subconscious, however there were some benefactors that could possibly increase your chances of success.
"Possibly," You scoffed, reading one last tacky article before shutting off your phone.

In all honesty a lot of this sounded entirely like a big fat lie.
But the prospect of being aware of your dream and controlling it lowered your concern.

Denki and Bakugo were in the living room, watching this television show they had been obsessed with for several weeks running now.
You'd given it a go, but it just wasn't for you, so this was your perfect chance to prepare.
You knew all too well that they would both probably criticise you a whole bunch for even believing in lucid dreaming — the subject had cropped up before a couple of times and they had both made their opinions clear, let's just say.

This just drove you on further to prove them wrong, you thought, pouring yourself a glass of ice cold water.

There wasn't much to do before trying, but most websites had suggested doing 'reality checks' every so often, where you would look down at your hands and drink in the moment in detail.
You weren't about to get obsessed with this, so you finished your drink with one large swig and shuffled into the lounge.

The room was toasty, fire ablaze with the television blasting adverts.

"Hey babe," Kaminari greets you.

He's lying on the far side of the sofa, enveloped in Bakugo's arms as he holds his hands out for you.
You entwine your fingers with his and give him a greedy smile.
"Space for me?" You ask with a grin, eyeing the heaps of blankets and how deliciously warm it would be all snuggled up between them both like a sandwich.
"Mm, I guess we could let you on... what do you think Bakugo?" Kaminari teases, nudging the blonde beside him.

"Do what you want, just don't take the remote." Bakugo sighs, shifting over whilst Kaminari pats the warm spot in between him and Bakugo invitingly.

Awkwardly, you crawl over him, being careful not to accidentally elbow Katsuki in the chest.

Once you finally find a comfortable position, you're surprised to find Katsuki resting his head in the nook of your neck, lips lingering there.
Denki still had his hands locked with yours, and traced little patterns around your wrist as the crappy series tuned in again.

You didn't even know why you'd nestled down here; you hadn't the slightest interest in this show.
On the flip side, you had literally nothing better to do and being wedged in between both of their abs like this was something you could definitely get used too.

The show once again, failed to capture your interest, and you found yourself zoning out.

The mutters and arguments of the actors on TV turned into muted blurs and the steady rhythm of Kaminari's heartbeat induced you to a state of sleepiness.
Colours seemed to float around in your head, and you smiled, counting them all as they flew past.
They continued to swirl around, merging and blending together, until they began to form riveting waves — white sea foam coating the large blue waves in excruciating detail.

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