Bunking - BakuDeku

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The bell ringing obnoxiously loud made you release a breath you didn't even know you were holding. That lesson on the history of  quirks had made you want to tear your hair out, eyes darting to the clock as often as they could, but the minutes had seemed like hours, and the seconds like minutes. However, it was over now. You stuffed your book and folder into your bag slowly, your muscles still getting used to moving after that dreaded double-period — it was seriously killer.
"Could you move any slower dumbass?" A peeved voice says from over your shoulder, and at an instant you knew it was your hot-headed boyfriend, Bakugo.
You roll your eyes to yourself, not in the mood to deal with his crap right now, and he seemed to take the hint, giving you a small squeeze on the shoulders before turning to Izuku, who was just heading over to your desk, and leaving you to pack the rest of your bag. 

You didn't know what was wrong with you today, you just felt completely drained out and unmotivated, it being a Monday really not helping, making your mood dampen more as the realization hit you that there was another 4 full days of this hell. Your gloom must project on your face, Izuku packing the last book away for you, and looking at your tired face with a frown.
"What's the matter Y/N? I couldn't help but notice that throughout the lesson you looked kind of down..." He trails off, concerned, Bakugo giving him a warning glance; something you catch out of the corner of your eye.

You turn yourself to face them, many problems nagging at your brain. How your stomach kept rumbling mega loud in class because you had skipped breakfast this morning, how the teacher kept picking on you at the questions you didn't know, even how the unbearable heat made the classroom all stuffy and horrid, and you all had to listen to the kids in the other class just outside your window have a full-on water fight. But you didn't want to seem a nuisance so you just smiled wryly at them both and shrugged.
"I'm fine, just hungry I guess." You admit truthfully, and as if on cue, your stomach rumbles loudly. God, how embarrassing. Izuku chuckles, and Bakugo holds in a laugh, failing miserably, causing you to huff, cheeks flushed scarlet with shame.
"Hah, well your stomach spoke for you!" Izuku giggles, taking your hand in his, along with Katsuki's in the other. "Let's not keep them waiting then Bakugo, lets go eat." He exclaims, way to energetic for midday Monday. You and Katsuki lock eyes as he drags you both by the wrist stubbornly, mutually admiring how adorably cute Izuku could be sometimes.

Soon enough, the winding school corridors come to an end, and the doors are flung wide open allowing you all to finally get a breath of fresh air.
The sky is a crisp, clear blue, not a single cloud in sight, and cheers and loud whistles fill the atmosphere as the girls relay scatters the field ahead of us. Bakugo sighs in annoyance from beside you, a scowl etched on his ever-handsome face.
"Idiots. Couldn't they have picked any other spot to do relay?" He growls, and you notice the girls stretching and warming up slap bang in you three's usual lunch spot. You see a girl from the year below waving at you from across the field with an apologetic look crossed over her face, eyes squinting as she shields herself from the beating sun with her hand.
"Looks like she doesn't want to be in our bad books babe." You smirk, looking at Katsuki, who has already stomped off ahead, searching for another good and worthwhile spot.
"He sure is easy to aggravate," Izuku sighs.
"I agree, but you gotta admit, hes pretty adorable when he's grumpy..." You state, Izuku nodding in eager agreement as you both start walking in the general direction of Katsuki, talking about how the weather was so hot all of a sudden, and the new items you had ordered online.

"Hurry up dumbasses, I look fucking weird sitting here on my own y'know." Katsuki scowls at us as you and Izuku finish up your conversation, and skip over hand in hand. He already has his lunch out, and has picked a near-perfect spot for you all; just beneath the pink-tinted cherry tree that sits at the far side of the field.
"Nice spot Kacchan!" Izuku beams, getting a small 'you're welcome' in return. You both settle down next to him, and you pull out your crisps and sausage baguette that had been making your mouth water all throughout your double lesson. The spot gives you a great view of the whole field, allowing you to see the relay, something you were pretty keen on, and used to do partly last year.
"Hello? Y/N?"
You snap out of your small trance, and focus on Bakugo, who had been waving his hand in front of your face for a response.
"Hm?" You say, picking up your crisps, Izu doing the very same.
"Here, I'm betting you forgot to take one this morning. I know how much you suffer with Hayfever, so I bought some from the shops so I always have some if you need them or anything." He passes you a small rounded pink tablet and smiles slightly — a rare occurrence.
"Aw thanks," You smile back, pressing your lips against his cheek for a quick gratitude kiss.
"I think I deserve more than just a cheek-kiss for that," He grins — and if eyes could smirk, they would for sure be doing so right now.
"As much as I would love too, I don't think that would be very wise to do in a school field Katsuki." You jokingly scold him, you and Izuku laughing as he throws a whole lecture your way that public affection is fine and acceptable.
"Says the one who won't even hold our hands for more than a few minutes." Izuku joins in, backing you up.
"Grrr! You know that's because of my quirk dumbass, I don't want to hurt you or anything, and that's the only reason!" He argues back, flicking Midoriya's cheek.

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