Kissing, Kissing & More Kissing - TodoBakuDekuKamiKiri

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[ 1507 words ]

Raindrops trailed slowly down the windows as you waited for your boyfriends to return home. You watch them racing each other down to the very bottom before merging into an imperfect shape, a silvery trail following their incoherent pathway. After sitting perched on the window sill for so long, you had come up with an assortment of games to keep yourself entertained - raindrop racing being your absolute favourite by far - but it was merely enough to distract from what you really wanted.

Kisses; and lots of them.

They had been on your mind all day, from the moment you had woken up, and even now the festering desire to lock lips with someone writhed within you like angered snakes. Although having 5 boyfriends, the issue could not be resolved currently. They had been allocated to an early hero slot - one that you were supposedly meant to attend, but the officials had generously given you a day off; something precious and too rare for you to decline. You're suddenly snapped out of your lucid thoughts when you hear a car pulling up to the driveway, tires scathing the gravel smoothly as it approaches you, the passengers unaware of your intrigued and desire-filled face that peers through the window. You can practically feel how flushed your cheeks are, the sight of them moving aimlessly around in the car and grabbing their heavy bags loaded with hero kit, made you irrevocably excited at how close you were to receiving some kisses. That's when you feel your heart catch in your throat, not unlike a delayed, scratchy breath that makes you splutter for air temporarily.

Shoto and Katsuki, who had been in the front and front passenger seat, were talking very heatedly, their lips inches away from each other as Katsuki smirked and Shoto pressed on with the supposed  argument, their mouthes almost brushing together; a hairs width apart. You see how Katsuki tousles up Shoto's hair as his lips curl upward into a devious grin, Shoto leaning back slightly in anticipation. Katsuki doesn't let this slide however, his body following Shoto's with lightning fast reaction, as you see his lips move in an undetectable laugh before finally slotting his mouth into Shoto's. You sigh in agitation, the kissing going on between those two making your desires stir deep within you even more.

"Baby, what're you doing there?" You jump, a grinning Kirishima appearing right in front of your nose. You must have been so entranced with the other two that you didn't even notice the others slip into the house. You tear your eyes away from the flustering sight in the car and convey your full focus to Kirishima. "I was on look out for you." An uncertain smile crawls it's way up your face as you slide into Kiri's strong arms; who with a kiss to your forehead, envelopes you in and sways you both back and forth with love. You hum into his shoulder, basking in the rare slithers of sun seeping through the water sewn window, and Kiri's warm presence. "You two good?" Kaminari asks, popping a grape into his mouth as he walks past you both, subsequently giving you a lingering peck on the cheek. You had been so caught up in Kirishima's lustrous embrace, that you had momentarily forgotten your goal. A mischievous glint appears in your eyes, and the boys can't help but share a nervous grin with each other as they wait for you to talk; yet you defy them. You slowly back out of Kirishima's grasp, sinking into the couch with an unreversed smile, and laugh inside at their confused expressions. "I don't understand babe, we-" You silence Kaminari with a finger to your lips, which proves to be majorly effective; maybe you should do this more often.

You pat your lap, staring Kaminari directly in the eye as a smirk gradually makes its way across his face as he gives in to himself and walks your way. You both share a cunning smile before he puts his hands on your shoulders gently and begins peppering kisses along your jaw, his knees propping up against the couch. "Sit," you grin, patting your lap once more. You look into his eyes and see a flash of hesitancy fill within them. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you..." He mumbles quietly, Kirishima stifling a laugh before heading out of the room. "Kaminari, don't be ridiculous! I'm a pro hero, you're not going to injure me just by sitting on my lap. Besides, I do it to you all the time, so why would it be any different?" You reassure, pulling him softly onto the couch, and in response you feel a gentle nibble to the ear which makes you shriek quietly with laughter. "Is that another weak spot I should add to the list?" Kaminari teases, his breath deliberately fanning against your ear as he playfully toys with it again. "Stop trying to distract me Kam, I have a goal in mind you know," You hum, his merciful eyes popping back into vision. "Oh? And what may that be?" A new voice enters along with the cold swish of the door opening, and when you peer over you see Shoto standing there, his hair and clothes slightly ruffled and lips puffy. "Shoto, would you care to join us? Or was Katsuki enough for you?" You say with a twinge of jealousy, one that Shoto evidently picks up on. "Oh love, you know I would never, ever, have enough kisses, even a lifetimes worth would still never be enough." He smiles, jumping a little when Katsuki appears behind him.

"What've we got here icyhot, two copies of what we just did?" Bakugo laughs, pinching Shoto's cheeks and watching as they redden under the sudden pressure. You give Kaminari a fleeting look, unable to form coherent words at how close he was to you sitting this way on your lap. "I would like to introduce you to my new lap-dog Katsuki," You hum, patting Kaminari's fluffy hair in a way an owner would reward a dog for doing something good. Kaminari's cheeks redden, but he isn't about to lose advantage of this situation. "Do lap-dogs get kisses?" He pouts, his pleading eyes making you die inside a little. "Yes, go on, give us a show." Shoto says smugly, crossing his arms patiently. "Ooh, we would be more than inclined to watch as well, where can we buy tickets?" Kirishima laughs, Izuku being dragged along by the waist forcibly. "Huh... What show?" He huffs, eyes widening when he lays them upon Kaminari sitting comfortably on your lap. Shoto chuckles and gestures to you both. "This show Izuku. It's exclusive access... count yourself lucky." He switches his gaze to Kirishima. "As for tickets, I'll be willing to give you one for free... in exchange for a kiss of course," He hums, his hands reaching down to cradle Kirishima's waist as they share a quick yet deep kiss. "There, enjoy the show." He laughs, pulling down Kirishima's tie so that he falls down onto the other couch, right in Katsuki's lap. "Excuse me, I don't want this idi-" "Shh" Izuku shushes him extravagantly, making you all suppress a giggle.

"Why is everyone watching us, this is very unnerving." You blush, fiddling with Kam's hair as you didn't know what to do with your fingers; dividing a section into 3 parts and beginning to plait it half-heartedly. "Aw Cmon, you know you've been wanting it all day babe." Kirishima teases, but in truth, he has no idea how much you really wanted this; all throughout the day this was what you desired. You unbury your fingers from Kaminari's hair and drift your nervous gaze to his eyes, taking in how big and cat-like they look at this angle. You lean in hesitantly, letting your lips brush together for a few passive seconds before letting them push and pull together at a slow and steady rhythm. You both executively continue to do this for a while, but a sharp nip at your top lip makes you gasp, his tongue entering you in a flash as you smile into the kiss; his tactics always worked. Every time. You can see stars in your vision as he continues to give it his all, and you have to forcibly tear yourself from his addictive lips when he starts gently rocking onto your thigh.

You rest your head on his shoulder, lips heavy and breathing unstable. "Well that was quite the spectacle," Shoto awes, even his normally impenetrable composure out of the window, his cheeks tainted a violent red. The others however are... not where you left them to say the least. Somehow Katsuki had pushed Izuku and Kirishima to the floor, and he lay close, on top of both of them, giving each one passionate kisses in turn.

"How about we take this upstairs love?" Shoto muses, his eyes positively glowing. "Kaminari, you're free to join too.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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