Fangirls - DekuTodo

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It had always been somewhat treacherous when going out in public.
In fact, you all liked to take precautions most of the time — dark, tinted glasses and large hats covering your field of vision helped massively in the art of being normal.
It really was quite hard being pro heroes sometimes, and usually you were content with staying exclusively in your house, avoiding any uneeded drama from the press.

However, it was one of those days that you had grown tired of being cooped up inside the house, much like an animal in a pen.
You had entirely binged your favorite show from start to finish several times over, and you felt as if you could act out the whole script yourself word for word.
It was just so painfully boring being in the house 24/7 sometimes; Midoriya and Shoto being there for you and providing you with endless pampering were the only things keeping you mentally and physically sane.
Once you had re-watched the last episode again, miming the words, you switch off the television and remain there, limply considering your life choices.
You started to space out a little, and didn't even feel the swish of sticky, humid wind hitting your exposed arms as both of the boys walk in through the door, Shoto closing it carefully behind them both as Izuku runs towards you and leaps on the sofa, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

"What have you been doing Y/N? We haven't seen you leave the room for hours..." Izuku ponders, lifting his head up and looking at Shoto for confirmation.

Your arms collapse down on his back —raised before from his sudden jump on top of you — and your eyes light up instantly.
"Well I was watching my favorite show again of course! You'll never guess what, in season 2 I realized that—"

Your excited rambling is cut off with Izuku placing his hand over your mouth gently, and you can see a concerned look cross Shoto's face.
"You watched it again..?" He says, chewing his cheeks in hesitation, as if he was thinking carefully about what he was going to say.
"Baby... don't take this the wrong way. I just think the amount of time you're spending re-watching that same worthless show isn't too healthy for you right now..."
Upon seeing your slightly hurt face, Shoto's quick on his feet to sit down by your side on the now-crowded sofa, his mouth trying to form the right words as Midoriya giggles quietly at his helpless expression.
"Well, what I mean is, I think it would be well suited if we all went outside and did something other than watching television all day. Not that your favorite show's bad or boring. I really don't mean it in that way, I apologize for my inaccurate wording my love. I understand why you're so drawn to that show however, it's... addictive to say the least." He confesses, your knowing gaze locking with his.

"Hmm what would we do though? We're sure to be scouted out with our current placement in the charts..." Izuku sighs, racking his brain for ways to go unseen.
"The media should know that we need to have a social life as well as being pro heroes. Who cares if anyone notices. They should learn to respect us, and if they don't then I'll be sure to give them a right talking to." You devise eagerly, visions of you shattering some annoying photographers camera infiltrating your mind.
"Y/NN! I can already tell what you're thinking of with that faraway look of yours. Don't get me wrong, you giving those nosy fans a lesson would be seriously hot... But it might affect our reputation just a little if you did something reckless..." Izuku gulps nervously upon seeing that little spark of vengeance in your eyes, but it disappears as soon as he says those words.
"Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be so irresponsible. People look up to us... I'm sorry," You apologize, resting your chin on your knees.
Shoto chuckles quietly and strokes your hair, his fingers blessing your scalp with care and love.
"I think we should just do something normal." He breaks the comfortable silence, both you and Izuku giving him a confused look.
"Instead of doing a leisurely activity, why don't we do something that would benefit us and be fun? Like... Grocery shopping? I know it's not meant to be fun by any means, but you two being there makes anything ten times more enjoyable." He says, giving you both a ravishing smile.

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