Jet lag - TodoBakuDekuKiri

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Sorry that this took so long, I have no motivation. ☠️

It had been a dreary week, the heavy autumn rainfall ambushing your 7-day-long patrol in the bustling city of Tokyo mercilessly.
Usually you didn't mind the somewhat warm showers that graced the skies in autumn as it wasn't as harsh and as chilling as the cruel winter sleet, but this week... it had felt depressing and foreign, the air teeming with an unsettled omission.

You chalked it up to just being away from home, but then again, that was your excuse for everything.
Even the clamoured, chaos-ridden plane you sat in now felt odd and discomforting; a place you considered to be your second home by now.
You'd thought that the constant hustle and bustle in the streets of Tokyo city would be enough to keep you from ever feeling lonely, but you were gravely wrong.
You'd felt the most lonely you'd ever felt in your whole life, as sad as it was, even with the friendly street vendors offering you samples of steaming, hot food and bright cheery lights imprinted on the sides of towering skyscrapers.
It had been overwhelming, if you were being honest, not at all as jovial as you'd thought Tokyo would be.

That's why you can't suppress the shiver of excitement bubbling in your stomach as the plane lands roughly, seatbelt signs still an agitating red. You were fatigued — you'd already been awake 15 hours, and your dropping eyelids illustrated the loosing battle you fought with sleep. You glanced at your watch impatiently, the hand going seemingly half as fast as it would any other day.
It would take forever for the sign to flash green, as per usual.
Beside you, a baby wails loudly, it's mother making no effort to calm it.
She looks just about ready to implode on herself, dark rings present under her red and puffy eyes.
A twinge of guilt pines inside you, but as soon as the baby lets out another ogre-like shriek that you're positive could break the sound barrier, your sympathy dissolves into further agitation.

It felt like an eternity until you were allowed off, but like most moments in life, it came eventually after a lot of sighing and over-the- top scowls directed towards the devil child screaming it's lungs off.
You'd sped your way to the exit of the airport, collecting your luggage at a breakneck speed.
The process of leaving was a bore, but knowing who was coming to pick you up kept you on your toes, the warm, bubbly feeling of excitement beginning to circulate around your abdomen in a whirlwind of giddiness.
After you were officially allowed to exit the airport after some tedious procedures, you almost break into a jog despite your tiredness.
It was a bit stupid, you thought.
How infatuated you were with them to feel like this after a mere week away; but when you glimpsed those familiar red tufts of hair pulled back messily in a black bandana from across the hectic room, you couldn't contain your grin no matter how hard you tried.
Who cared if love made you feel a little idiotic sometimes?
It was all worth it in the end.

"Ejirou!!" You call, rushing towards him as fast as you could with your myriads of heavy luggage.
You knew the massive, uncontrollable grin was creeping its way further and further up your face, but for once, you didn't try to stop it.
The sight of Kirishima's face lighting up with pure elatedness at your arrival made all of the embarrassment worth it.
The trip, the loneliness, your goofy smile.
It all just melted away upon seeing him.
"Y/N!" He grins, taking away all your baggage from you the instant you reach him and dumping it on the ground.

You don't have the time to question what on earth he's doing before you're being enveloped in a gentle yet exuberant embrace.
It was like he could sense what you were craving all that time.
His muscled arms squeeze around you perfectly, in the way you'd fantasised about during those late, lonely nights in your dingy hotel room.
You squeeze him back, clinging onto his torso for as long as you could before looking up at his face and resuming your uncontrollable grin.
You reach up, fondling his swept back red hair and gently fix his slightly skewed up bandana.
"I missed you so much!" You exclaim, diving back in for another hug.
You couldn't deny it, hugs were definitely up there on the list of things you missed the most on your lonesome patrol, and Kiri hugs were second to none.
He chuckles warmly, arms moving to caress your back before leaning back and in for a kiss in the effortless way you loved.
It made you freeze a little, his lips on yours so quickly after such a seemingly long break, but the warmth of it entices you in almost instantly.
When he leans back, you find yourself following his lips, seeking more.
"Awh, someones a little needy after their patrol, hm?" He teases, giving you another soft kiss nonetheless.
"You have no idea," You sigh into his lips, collapsing into his shoulders for another hug.
He rocks you back and fourth, patiently waiting for your initial clinginess to melt away. Of course it didn't, and wouldn't for at least the next few days.
He should know better, you thought.

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