Mishap - Tamaki&Mirio&Deku

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Blood droplets ran in rivulets down your fingers, the pungent colour staining your skin a dark red. Who knew helping out at a garden centre greenhouse could be so perilous? "I'm really, so, so sorry Y/H/N! I'll go and grab the first aid kit..!" Your partner, Ollie, yelped at the sight of your blood. "I'm fine Ollie... you don't have to — go..." You sigh, watching the young boy bound away, waving his arms frantically. What a pane, you giggle to yourself, sweeping the shards of glass away into a smaller and less hazardous pile. You'd decided that during the summer you'd make more of an effort to help the community, so thought it would be a beautiful idea to work at the garden centre you'd visited frequently as a child. It was sweltering though, and you had been assigned to work in the greenhouse with Ollie, who... had a tendency to be a little eccentric. Whilst you were watering the tomato vine and answering his ebbing flow of questions, he'd gotten a little excited and knocked a plant into the walls, glass shattering, leaving a whole side of the house missing and in tiny fragmented pieces. Your hand was bleeding a fair amount from the glass, but you were more focused on the damage to the greenhouse than your safety — Carol, the supervisor, would be livid with Ollie. Hearing distant commotion, you look up, propping the broom up onto the wall. Sure enough, Ollie is being scolded by Carol, his head hung down and shoulders slouched. "Hey Carol... I'm so sorry about this mess..." You say guilty, her eyes peeling off Ollie and latching onto you. They seem to soften instantly. "Y/H/N, please, I'm sincerely sorry on behalf of my clumsy assistant here..." She sighs, looking fervently embarrassed. "No worries Carol. It was a complete accident, Ollie and I couldn't have done anything to stop it." You say, worried for Ollie's life. "If you say so," She tuts, turning to you once more. "Y/H/N, I think it's best if you go home. Those cuts look a little on the bad side." She frowns, shaking her head at Ollie and wincing at your bloodied hand. You weren't going to lie, home did sound extremely tempting, and upon closer inspection, your hand seemed to be bleeding a lot more than you'd thought. "If you're sure, Carol. I don't want to leave you with this mess..." You say slowly, deliberating your words. "No, no. Ollie and I will have plenty of time to clean up... it's a shame we can't speak longer, but fate isn't in our good books today. Please, go home and rest, you deserve it." She winks, making the corner of your mouth twitch up in a sad smile. "I'll be coming back next week... I really enjoyed it here. Bye Carol, bye Ollie!" You say cheerily, Ollie giving you a sad little wave. God bless him; hopefully you'd done enough to protect his job.

The drive home is awkward, your left hand gingerly touching the wheel. It hurt a lot more than expected, now that the initial shock had died down. Poor Ollie though, you hoped he would be alright — Carol could be scary sometimes. After what feels like a small eternity, you find yourself pulling into the drive of your house, and awkwardly fumbling with your keys to get in. Somehow, the blood was still wet as ever, meaning that the wound must still be weeping.  Furrowing your eyes, you sit down at the table as soon as you enter to look properly at it for the first time. Ouch. Your stained skin froths with crimson red blood, tiny splinters of glass embedding your bloody palm and reddened knuckles. You make the mistake of trying to delicately pull a piece out, the sharp pain making you reel away unsuccessfully. You'd need help with this...

"Tamaki? Miiiirio? ... Izuku?" You call mindlessly, too busy fiddling with the minuscule shards of glass in your hand. No matter how hard you tried to keep tugging, your reflexes kept preventing you from progressing anywhere. "In here," You hear a muffled voice say from the bedroom, so you begin steering that way. Opening the door with your right hand, you walk in, all of the boys sprawled out on the covers of the bed, looking hot as ever. In both ways. "Ah, leave the door open babe, it's so stuffy in here..." Mirio greets, waving a hand at you with a heat delayed grin. "How was the gardening centre today?" Tamaki asks, eyes watching you sweetly. He's shirtless and looks rather red and sweaty. Woah. "Oh, uh... this." You say in a scramble, looking away from his abs and holding up your tattered left hand. It looks pretty bad, the whole thing oozing with blood and lumpy bits of glass — even your fingers look a little dejected, not fully standing to attention. "Oh my God, what happened?" Izuku breaks the stunned silence first, sitting up and throwing on a shirt before wandering over. "A ton of glass shattered on me when I was in the greenhouse," You wince, trying to flex your fingers. Glass must've managed to make its way there as well. "Jesus Christ, you're lucky only your hand got hurt..." He says, looking from your hand to you worriedly. "I'm fine Izuku, it only really hurts when I move it or try to pry the glass out," You reassure him, his eyes darkening even more. "Glass? There's still glass in there?! Didn't Carol, or whatever her name is, get a first aid kit and clean it?" Mirio speaks up, looking a little concerned. "Yeah... glass can make a wound infected in a short amount of time, baby..." Tamaki speaks up, joining Izuku and surveying your hand. "Ouch," He shudders. After a moment of hesitation, Izuku grabs your good wrist and probes you along with him. "Come on, let's get downstairs so we can take a better look. Mirio, get the first aid kit babe?" He says, Mirio nodding and pressing a kiss to his cheek before sloping away to the bathroom.

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