(PART 1) Competition - TodoBaku

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It was deafening.

Your ear drums were searing with the drunken screeches of your classmates, along with heavy music playing so unbearably loud that you felt as if your hearing was going to break - classic Denki, inviting you to this stupid party, only to completely desert you at the door the moment you stepped in. You were sitting alone at a table now, stirring your drink around absently with a soggy paper straw, the music being so loud it prevented you from being able to hear your own thoughts. Fuck him, you grit your teeth, damp eyes wandering to the dance floor where Denki was practically drooling over this annoyingly pretty girl, their hips grinding and tongues entwining under the hot flashing lights. Meanwhile, your mascara ran in a hot river of emotion, dirtying your soft skin. He'd led you on, taken advantage of your fucking schoolgirl crush over him, just to use you for popularity and to get more hook ups. What on earth had led you to develop feelings for that dick? And how was he so heartless as to lead you on like this? You hadn't thought he was like that at all. All those times you'd thought you'd been sharing meaningful kisses and conversations, all ruined in the heat of the moment. Pushing your drink away angrily, the sugary contents threatening to spill from the sides in the sudden motion, you wipe away your tears and begin to gather your composure. You knew you deserved better. And if you were going to find anyone decent, it would be anywhere but this hell-hole. You fish around your pockets for your car keys, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips as you remember that you'd given Denki a lift to the party - meaning if you walked out on him, he'd have no way to get back - which you were going to do of course, for yourself, and out of spite for him. Flashing one last look at him, you start to feel an ounce of guilt, but watching his skinny arms wrap around multiple girls at once, his eyes wild and distant, the guilt is stamped out in an instant, like water to fire. He can go fuck himself you think quietly, slipping out of the door and into the cold night.

The outside is much more fresh and crisp than inside the sweaty walls of the party venue, the chill of the wind causing goosebumps to raise up your neck and arms almost instantly. You had no coherent plan, the little alcohol in your system making your thoughts blurry and fuzzy, along with the semi-dried tears obscuring your vision. You'd always had a dangerously low tolerance. Muttering curses, you decide to just try and make your way to the car, stumbling all over, caught up in raw emotion. All you could think about was how much you despised Denki; images of throwing sticky fruit punch in his face and embarrassing him in front of all his so-called friends, taking control of your thoughts. You finally make your way to the car, leaning against the door to steady yourself. You weren't drunk enough to not know that you shouldn't drive in this state, your wobbliness worrying you a little. The metal of the car is cold and unwelcoming against your bare elbows, and the thudding of hardcore music still vibrates through the pavement coming from the house you'd just left. Sighing, you stand straight, slipping into the open car door and resting your head against the wheel. What were you gonna do... You slowly retrieve your phone from your pocket, jaw slacking in disbelief as you read the time. 2am?! Just reading the blurry numbers made you yawn and yearn for sleep. Hesitantly, you unlock your phone, the brightness causing you to wince in contrast to the darkness of early morning. Scrolling through your contact list, your eyes flick through possible options. Who in their right mind would be awake right now... you groan mentally, marking everyone off as asleep. That is, until, you spot Bakugo's name.

Your stomach feels fuzzy. You hadn't spoke to Bakugo in months, but you have vivid memories of him always staying up late; constantly studying, working out - anything to help him towards his mad conquest to become number 1. Furthermore, you were pretty good friends with him, your friendship developing significantly in UA when you used to train with him and Kirishima. But did you really want to bother him? Knowing his temper, he wouldn't be happy with you calling him, and hell was he scary when agitated. Chewing your lip, you almost laugh at your finger trembling over his number, the alcohol making your senses all weird. It was just like school all over again. Fuck it. You couldn't stay here all night, moping around like a lunatic. You gulp as you press down on the number, listening to the rings in anticipation.

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