Exam season - Bakudeku

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Your hand aches dully as it darts across the awfully symmetrical lines of the test paper, ink already sparse from the immense amount of writing you'd done.

It's exam season, and you're sitting the first test paper of the dreaded few weeks to come, dark circles already festering under your eyes thanks to the myriads of clandestine revision you'd done last night.
It had been quite the night, thoughts of Bakugo sneaking into your dorm infiltrating your mind.

You should be focusing, but your hand seems to be disconnected from your brain, jotting down mindless points after points.

Instead, visions of Katsuki's earnest face blanketed by the cover of darkness ricochet around your mind, making a smile tug up at the corner of your lip.
He really did care for you no matter how many insults you received on the daily, even going through the trouble of sneaking out of his dorm to soothe your anxiousness about the test.

You'd revised together for hours.

A sudden wave of realisation travels its way through you when you're snapped back to reality by the rough voice of the invigilator.

"You have 10 minutes left." She announces hastily from the front, making you bite your lip in worry.
Looking around the hall discreetly, you see many others looking a little frustrated, tugging at their hair and tapping their pens anxiously.
The girl in front of you with bright orange hair jumps her leg up and down in frustration, and you have to fight against your own will to tell her to stop, because of course, you'd get disqualified.

Somehow, you manage to battle through the rest of the time and compete your long-winded essay, with just minutes to spare and little time to collect yourself.
Your slight early finish gave you time to survey the hall, eyes locking on the back of Midoriya's head.

He was situated near the front, a vexed expression lingering over his face as a hand rakes through his ruffled green hair in frustration.

You felt a wave of pity ripple through you — English was never really his strong suit, and although you hated to admit it, you were pretty decent.
Bakugo could vouch that for you at the very least.
When he'd snuck in last night to help you revise, he was the one who got the most benefit, which was something you'd never let him forget.

Soon enough, your row is told to stand, everybody doing so in silence.
The table behind you rams into your legs, making you turn around with a questioning glare.

It was Bakugo, of course it was Bakugo.

His red eyes stare smugly into yours, as if daring you to speak.
"Idiot." You mouth before turning back around.

The line begins to file forward and out of the hall, out into the light of the outside premises where everyone talks, cries, laughs or vexes the test.

It feels like paradise when the cool air hits your arm. You'd been stuck in that stuffy hall for 2 hours.

Of course, that refreshment is ripped away from you the moment Bakugo catches up to you, his hand crashing down roughly on your left shoulder.

"How'd you find it? Easy right?" He asks, eyes gleaming.

You scoff, rolling your eyes.

"I wouldn't say easy. I found it pretty challenging actually."
He raises his eyebrows, kicking a stone as you walk on.

You wanted to find Izuku, who'd been let out before you. He was probably waiting by the old cherry tree as per usual, or maybe even discussing the test with Ochako or Iida.

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