Interrupted - TodoDeku

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@ineedtobealive Thank you for the idea :D

"—So, what do you say Y/N?"

A voice snaps you back to reality. You'd been caught up in your own silly thoughts; something about how: why no one had ever survived a falling elevator by simply jumping last second. It was a thought that came to you every year or so, and although you knew deep down that it was virtually impossible because of physics and all that, you never really understood why it wouldn't work...
"Oh... yeah?" You shake your head as if signalling you'd been zoned out, guiltily peering at Midoriya, his eyes instantaneously sweeping over your apparent face of confusion, a small smile gracing his lips. "You weren't listening were you? It's fine... I just wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to come around to mine? Shoto'll be there too after he finishes his extra credit." He babbles, fighting a blush. He knew he shouldn't get so flustered around you after a year of dating, but the effect you had on him was still there, mainly when he invited you to go places or hang out after school hours. He felt as if he was some sort of burden, wasting your free-time. He scolded himself for it, but you, on the contrary, found it simply adorable. It made you feel powerful, having someone so truly strong stammer over you. Realising your train of thought was whirring away again, you force yourself into the conversation. "Shoto's doing extra credit? Since when?" You screw your eyebrows together in curiosity. Izuku sighs jokingly. "You really don't pay much attention, Y/N. Weren't you listening to that unexpected rant of his the other day? The one about how his father was making him do extra stuff after hours because of that tiny little under-performance on our last test?" He raises his brow expectantly. Now you remembered. It had been totally out of the blue; one minute he was completely calm, sipping on the apple and raspberry smoothie you'd made him, and the next, he was angered, letting hatred spew out of his mouth in rivers. "Of course I do, it just slipped out of my mind, sorry. It was... strange, to say the least. He's usually the calmest guy ever." You frown. Midoriya pats your shoulder, gentle eyes shimmering as if agreeing with your words. "Yeah... when he comes over we should 100 percent check up on him. That is, if you're coming. You've sorta managed to dodge my question about 3 times..." He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. You blush. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't intend to..." You smile apologetically. "No, no worries at all! Although, you kinda just did it again..." He nudges you, making your eyes widen. You both laugh, falling into each others arms. "I'm sorry... I would love to go, honestly. I didn't even realise," You jest, looking back up at him after your stumble. His lips are so close to yours, upturned with laughter and love. Your stomach glowers with affection, the desire to press a kiss to those lips festering there along with the swelling admiration. Leaning in, you're about to press your lips to his, as your stomach was telling you to do, but he moves away slightly, tugging your hand. "C'mon, let's get moving. We've been in this stuffy classroom long enough. Why don't we stop and get ice cream on the way since it's so hot? My treat!" He hums, pulling you along. The butterflies flare up, vision going giddy with adoration. Shaking your head, you tell yourself to snap out of it. Heroes shouldn't get this lovesick, it left them vulnerable to manipulation quirks, you thought. "Sure, that sounds great." You smile softly, following his lead.

"Mm, well, mine's delicious. Want a taste?" He asks. You're walking hand in hand along the tattered grey paving, dents and cigarette stains charring the colour. Taking in what he said caused your brain to fuzz over. Sure, you felt powerful when he got flustered over you... but it happened a lot vice versa as well. "A taste?" You stammer, eyes flickering over to his. "Yeah, it's really good, I wouldn't want you to miss out!" He smiles, grin fading into a small smirk when he clocks your slightly wary expression. "What? You're not afraid are you? We've kissed before, Y/N, many a time. It's basically the same thing... just without lips," He laughs, fighting his bodily instinct to blush. "Oh, yeah!" You chew the inside of your cheek. "I'll try it, but I'll bet it's not as good as mine." You state confidently, taking his ice cream and switching it with yours. "Really? I think that caramel solos all the flavours," He muses, looking down at yours, the colour intriguing him. "What did you get again? I swear you always get this flavour." He frowns, taking a lick. You look up, smiling as he makes a weird face. "It's (favourite flavour)! Whenever I see it as one of the options I can never pick anything else, it's my go-to." You say, taking a tentative lick of his ice cream. "Mm, it's actually okay. I never thought I'd like that flavour, but there you have it." He shrugs. "So, what do you think of mine?" He asks you as you make a 'hum' noise. "Maybe I'm not as loyal to my signature flavour after all... Caramel is pretty good." You conclude, laughing as Izuku punches the air in joy. "Told you so, caramel is a great flavour." He grins, winking at you. "Yeah, yeah. It's not like I'd pick it if (favourite flavour) was on the menu, so shush." You roll your eyes, switching back your ice creams to their original owners. "Thank you for paying for me by the way. I promise I'll be on ice cream payment duty next time." You salute, feeling guilty. He'd paid for last time with you and Shoto, and now he'd paid once again for this round. He smiles, waving his hand as if to brush it off. "It's no worry, really Y/N." He assures you, deciphering your guilt. "Don't feel inclined to do anything, okay? I like to make you two happy, even if it comes out of my own pocket." He blushes, taking the final bite of his cone. You smile, taking his hand in yours. "You're too sweet, Izu. Sometimes I just want to leap on you and swarm you with a trillion kisses everywhere, just so you know how much you mean to me." You say, squeezing his hand. He looks surprised, a proud smile making its way onto his face. "I like that I make you feel that way, Y/N..." He murmurs, squeezing your hand back. "But maybe you should save those intrusive thoughts for when we're back home, not on the street." He says sheepishly, brushing a strand of green hair away from his forehead. "Fair enough. Maybe Shoto can help me show my appreciation then as well!" You laugh, quickening your pace. "—woah, Y/N!" He blushes.

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