Ice Skating - KiriTodo

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The streets were scattered with people, huge and bustling as you, Shoto and Kirishima waded through the business of the ever-growing crowd. Multiple times you could feel yourself get dragged back by the sea of people, but Shoto never failed to keep track of both you and Kiri, clasping your hands tightly, and forcibly pulling you forwards before you could get swept up and carried away all the way back from where you'd came from.

As well as being horrendously busy, noise and life came from every corner you looked. Whether that be a street performance with blaring music and excited chanting of the audience, or the soft intricate tunes billowing out of fancy shops as you drift past them, pungent perfumes in all scents flaunting in the crystalline windows, prices flying above £200 and more.
"Ok you two," Shoto speaks to both of you, snapping you out of your intricate observations.
"We're almost at the rink, it's just down this upcoming turning... If google maps is correct." he frowns, tapping the screen hesitantly whilst he flits his eyes repeatedly from where he's walking and at his phone.
Shoto had never been good with technology, however it never failed to make you and Kiri laugh at his adorably confused face as he attempts to find a solution on whatever tricks his phone is playing with him.
"Need help there bud?" Kirishima chuckles and flashes a sharp and shiny smile, not needing to strain his voice over the clamouring of the crowd as it's already loud enough as it is.
"No! I promised I would be in charge of this date, I'm not letting some faulty online map change that." He exclaims with steely determination, grabbing your wrists and ploughing on through the crowd, eventually getting to an opening with a fancy white sign that reads 'Channel L'melò Skating Centre.' "Looks fancy Shoto, are you sure?" You squint, unsure if you could even fit into something this posh, looking uncertainly at your unsuited clothes, the expression on Kirishima's face displaying the very same, weary look as yours.
He laughs lightly whilst guiding you carefully through the long winding path, lit up with small elegant lights every few paces.
"Both of you need to relax," He says, noticing your tense faces. "It will be perfectly fine, I have everything sorted!" He says cheerily, rustling the mysterious grey bag slung over his shoulder.
"Oh? What's in there?" You ask, curiosity getting the best of you. "Well... it was meant to be a surprise, but I may or may not have bought us all some dazzling skating outfits," He admits smugly, changing the grip on your wrists into arm-linking as you both whoop in uncontainable excitement. You wonder what he packed inquisitively, but knowing Shoto, you were sure it was probably something breath-takingly beautiful.

The centre is more than you could ever ask for, and is a whole new level of posh. White split staircases spiral upwards to multiple floors, and a gorgeous chandelier adorned with heaps of glistening gems hangs gracefully from the ceiling — just like something out of Cinderella's ball.
A counter lies ahead of you all, presumably where you were to get your skates, glass vases with plush and fresh red roses peaking out of the top awe you even further.
This place made even the most boring things full of decoration and life.
You approach the counter, still arm in arm, and smile warmly at the attendee who smiles back politely. "Welcome all of you. On behalf of my company, we hope you will have a great time on our rinks today." He flashes you another controlled grin, and retrieves some papers from under the smooth and organised marble desk.
"If you could sign here, kind sir?" He points to a blank space on the sheet of paper, and Shoto complies. "Perfect! I will go and fetch your skates now. May I ask for your sizes?" You all nod in agreement, and tell him your selected sizes. "Damn Babe, this place is very posh," Kirishima says impressively, giving Shoto a quick kiss on the cheek, then spotting your pout and rushing over to the other side to give you one as well, ruffling your hair up as you protest.
"Hey! You said it yourself this place was posh, so don't make me look like even more of a dirt-bag!" You whisper-shout, trying to make him relent, by giving his arm a swift wack with your shoulder purse. You all laugh inexplicably for a while as you and Kirishima have a bag fight until hearing an amused cough from behind the counter, making you turn around, embarrassed, to the attendee. "Your skates."

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