(PART 2) Competition - TodoBaku

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When you step through the sleek glass door, you feel Todoroki's grip on your arm falter as Bakugos piercing gaze falls over you, his eyes flitting to and from the place where they link, like a bird of prey to mice.

You pull away, noticing them harden.
"Uhm, well, I should probably go to bed." You say lightly, easing away from the both of them as you all stand awkwardly, huddled in the brightly lit entrance.

You'd liked the cover of darkness, it had felt safe and secure.
Now, you felt exposed, like their eyes were taking in every little detail of your rugged appearance in the blinding light.
"Tough. I'll have to set it up first. Wasn't like I was expecting you of all people to come and swing by at this time." Bakugo sighs, peeling off his shoes and tossing them carelessly away, Todoroki following in suit.

Gulping, you take yours off too, the leather sticking to your feet.

"I'll help you," You offer, to which he simply grunts, beginning to shuffle past you both. What had happened? Todoroki softly sighs from beside you, his brow furrowed as he watches the blonde stomp up the stairs intently, eyes distant. "Is he mad..?" You ask slowly, rubbing your arms and looking to the ground as you attempt to do what little you can to create warmth. He directs his gaze to you, exhaling quietly. "Well... perhaps. It's complicated," He starts, his tone sombre and longing. "Huh..." You utter, feeling very out of place. "Is something going on between you two?" You press on, your initial thought of them having an argument or something taking the ropes. He goes rigid. "What do you mean?" The air goes frosty, his tone tense and apprehensive. "Uh... I mean, like, have you argued recently or something? You both seem a little... off?" You say, wetting your lips as you try to catch the gaze of his wavering eyes. Had you touched a nerve? It takes a while, but Shoto finally turns to look at you, the atmosphere warming as he shoots you a small grin. "No, nothings the matter, don't worry Y/N. I'm sorry for my reaction just then. I...misinterpreted, your question." He smiles again, resting his hand on the small of your back. It makes your stomach do somersaults, but you manage to tame the rouge blush spreading up your neck. "Let's go find him then," You say, unsure of his words. "Yes, hopefully there's enough space. If not, I'll be glad to take the floor for you," He laughs, gesturing for you to proceed up the carpeted stairs. "You're too kind, always have been," You grin whole-heartedly, wandering up and away from his burning touch.

When you enter the room, you're surprised to see that it's spotless; something you didn't think was possible with two men occupying it for the night. A paused TV is mounted on the wall, and a small bowl of healthy snacks lies deserted on the crisp white sheets of the main double bed. There's no sign of another blow up bed for Todoroki, so you wonder curiously if they'd shared it. Bakugo's crouching down, a disconcerting frown playing on his face as he looks at the deflated bed dangling in his hands. He doesn't look startled at your entry, but his face is red and irked. He's clearly got something on his mind. "The damn thing has a hole in it." He says quietly, dropping it to the floor with a flat clatter. "Oh," Shoto says neutrally, his arms crossing slowly. It's so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. They both look at you in union, making you feel very small and at unease; standing in a foreign bedroom with two people you used to be decently close with, at 3am, was a very odd experience. "I... I don't know what I'm supposed to say," You utter, looking anywhere but Bakugo's invasive gaze and holding your hands out in defeat. "I mean, I can walk home..." You chew your lip, looking at the darkness leering out of the window like a wrath. "No, that won't suffice." Shoto says quickly, his features contorted in immense thinking. Bakugo seems to take 5 long, deep breaths before speaking. "Bab- I mean, Shoto," He stumbles, making your eyebrow twitch. "What are you suggesting we do then?" He manages, avoiding your gaze as you scrutinise his little slip up. It was all coming together now, you thought, realisation hitting you like a rock. "Well, it is as it is. We can't let Y/N go home at this time, even more so alone. It's 3am for Christ's sake," Todoroki sighs, picking at the cotton on his shirt. Upon closer inspection, you can see the evident dark rings underneath his eyes. "So what. We let her sleep on the floor then?" He says in disbelief, eyeing you cautiously. "I'm not gonna let her do that, icy hot. After what she just went through, she deserves a good nights sleep, something which isn't going to happen on a fucking floor." He argues, his stature tall and challenging. Now, you're beyond confused. "I agree. I was never opposed to you Bakugo, never will be. That much, anyway," He says, and there's a moments silence as Bakugo frowns. "So what? We're tip toeing around the edge of something here, dumbasses. What's happening." He demands, hands running through his tousled blonde hair. "It looks like there's no other option," Shoto says finally, looking to Bakugo tentatively. "If it's fine with you, I guess... we'll all have to share." All three of you turn your head to the double bed, which seems to be gloating at you. "Shit..." You mumble under your breath numbly. Looks like you were in a spot of trouble for the night.

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