Exploration - TodoBakuDeku

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[ 1711 words ]

"I'm bored..." You moan, the glossy and outdated magazine you had been scouring through lazily for the last 30 minutes making a dull thud as you drop it to the floor, it's already rumpled pages getting even more ruined in the process. " I know baby, that's why I've been giving you stuff to preoccupy yourself with this whole time." Shoto mumbles, casting you a heavily dubious look from where he sits slouched on the opposing sofa - Even he, being the most composed one of them all, was growing tired of your spontaneous boredom, the fact that he had been stranded here on his own with you by the other two who had to attend a meeting probably not helping his stress. Nothing he gave you or did would suffice your protests for anymore than a painful 40 minutes, and that was solely based upon if he was lucky. "Shoto, I don't want to read last years magazines, or watch tipping point on the TV." You whine, knowing full well you were being a pain by the scrutinised expression on Shoto's face as he silently prayed for the other two to return home. "Well... I don't know what to suggest then baby, I'm sorry." He says wearily, giving you a tiny pout from across the room as you got up and slowly walked over to him. "Come on Shoto! There's so many things we could do instead of these boring and dull suggestions. You've just got to be more imaginative, hm?" You tease, flopping down beside him on the couch  and comfortably kicking your feet up to relax, inching closer as he gives you a potent smile. "I have given you pretty bad stuff to do, I apologise, my love. I don't really know what to do with myself when the others aren't here..."

A sigh escapes his lips, and you feel a twinge of guilt in your heart as you take into account his more prominent than usual eye-bags and slightly skewed up hair. Your about to say something, but he beats you to it by a split second. "What would you like to do then my love? I'm open to pretty much anything. That being said... nothing dangerous or too strenuous please..." He yawns, giving you a spaced out, dopey grin. "I have the perfect idea!" You exclaim softly, retrieving a smooth black comb and a fancy looking spray bottle engraved with golden accents and words, showing them to Shoto who looks interested but concerned. "Can I plait your hair?" You plead, brushing off the weird look Shoto pushes onto you. "I mean yo-" A loud yell from the hallway intrudes your conversation, and quieter, annoyed rambling can be heard when the yelling occasionally halts, not failing to start again after the rambling has finished. "Aw. Looks like Katsuki and Izuku are home," You sigh, placing the comb and spray away as Shoto gives you a mixed look. "Sorry love, maybe another time. Now, where are these two idiots?"

The other two returning from their meeting certainly helped your growing boredom for a sparse amount of time, but as soon as everyone started to go radio silent on the sofas due to them all having long days, you could not help but feel more bored than ever. "Shoto, I'm still really bored." You frown, not quite knowing what to do with yourself. "My love... I really don't know what to do with you," He groans, pulling you onto his lap and defeatedly burying his face into your shoulders. "You're bored Puppy? Why don't we do something fun then? We have jigsaw, jenga, twister, snakes and ladders..." Izuku lists a whole bunch of games, and absolutely none pick up your interest. "No, no, no. They all sound boring right now," You huff, rubbing your eyes whilst Shoto gives his respective partners an 'I-told-you-so' glance from over your shoulder. "Ugh. The reason they're  bored is because you lot keep coming up with the fucking lamest suggestions ever. Snakes and ladders, Deku. Snakes and Ladders." He groans, slapping himself in the face twice at the ludicrous suggestions his boyfriend had somehow mustered up. Midoriya glares at Bakugo, pushing him against the arm of the sofa with force. "If your so against our ideas, what's your billionaire idea Kacchan. Can't be much better." He taunts, poking his tongue out at the agitated blonde. "Shut the fuck up Deku. It's obvious we should do something we've  never done before." He says smugly, all 3 of your eyes flickering over to his as you watch in anticipation. "Tell us!" You all say in union, growing confused when Katsuki's face shows up with an evident pink hue. "Spit it out Bakugo, we're oh so bored over here." Shoto smirks, making Katsuki growl quietly. "Fine. I was just... Going to say that we should all bathe together." He blurts out, a devious and proud grin stretching over his face as he watches you all go somewhat flustered. "Heh, that's right. Now come on, let's go. I thought y'all said you were bored." He now says confidently, striding out of the door and up the stairs to most likely turn on the bath water. You all blush, liking Katsuki's random spurts of confidence. "Well, we'd better get a move on. Don't want to keep him waiting." Shoto smiles innocently, grasping both your wrists with a kiss to the hand, and pulling you up the stairs.

"Took you long enough," Bakugo sneers, his calloused hands tending to the water taps, to gain the perfect temperament for his lovers and himself to bathe in. His shirt and joggers are strewn across the bathroom tiles, all that remains is his boxers, and you can't help but look away in embarrassment, trying to gather your thoughts. It would get a lot worse in the moments to follow, you thought, mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to see. "You sure took your time for people who claim to be bored." He says, turning the taps off with a tight tug as he flashes you all a sharky grin. "Well, we came at the perfect timing anyway," Izuku flushes, walking over to Bakugo and giving him a peck on the lips before his shirt is sent cascading to the floor, curtesy of Bakugo. "H... Hey, what're you doing," Izuku murmurs, clenching Bakugo's wrist in place where he had snaked down and started to undo his belt loops. "Undressing you of course nerd. Unless you want to bathe in your jeans," He laughs, continuing with Izuku and mocking him about how red his face was.

You hear a soft chuckle beside you, and turn to spot Todoroki. He had already slipped out of his clothing and discarded it onto Bakugo's misshapen pile, and was already climbing carefully into the tub. You blush, keeping loving eye contact with him to prevent yourself from letting your eyes trail down and wander where they shouldn't. When he's fully emerged in the water, soft ripples follow his every little movement, and you can't help but admire how at peace he looks, serenading in the water. "Hey Kat, did you put bath salts in the water? It smells really good," you notice, the pungent yet relaxing lavender and sea grass scent spiralling up your nose as Katsuki nods proudly and ventures towards you; dragging a bare Izuku by the hand along with him. "I thought it would add to the atmosphere or whatever," he grumbles, gesturing for Izuku to hop into the tub as well. "You're the only one not undressed sweetheart. Times ticking, you don't want to get in after the water becomes cold." He whispers, eyes full of mirth. "Maybe I should help you, just like I did with Izuku." He laughs, gently tugging off your trousers and underwear, giving you little kisses whilst he throws them to the side. "Arms up," He demands, and you comply; shirt being lifted fully over your head. He spins you around, and you hear laughter erupt from the bath tub as Bakugo curses quietly under his breath. "Hey, Uh. You might need to do your bra by yourself babe." He mutters, giving up and slipping into the bath. "Always struggled with that, didn't you Katsuki," You giggle, tugging it off and getting into the bath as quick as possible to conceal everything.

"Hey, idiots. Look at this," Bakugo calls, his hands slowly sinking underwater. "Look at what? Oh, wow!" You gasp, watching bubbles rise to the surface of the water, Katsuki's quirk creating your own personal bath/hot-tub thing. "Mmm, I love this. Why haven't we done this before? The baths always been big enough." Izuku hums contentedly, the others nodding along in agreement as you all lean back and relax - the sweet and slow popping bubbles taking you away to dreamy fantasies and paradise. "Enjoying the bubbles Puppy?" Izuku chuckles, seeing your blissed out expression and lightly shut eyes. "Mm yes. These are no ordinary bubbles..." You sigh, dropping your head sleepily onto Midoriya's shoulder as he shudders at the sweet surprise. "Don't fall asleep in the bath baby, you can drown," Shoto chuckles, gently lifting up your head and placing it higher on Izuku's shoulder just to be safe. "I'm a pro hero Shoto... I don't think I'm going to drown in a freak bubble bath accident," You chuckle, popping a nearby bubble with your finger. "This isn't straining your quirk to much Katsuki?" Shoto questions, nodding gratefully when he shakes his head. "This amount of explosion is barely anything to me," he boasts, but gives Shoto a reassuring kiss on the bridge of his nose before continuing his gloating.

The bubble bath ends hours later, Katsuki staying true to his word on how long he could maintain explosions like that for, and Shoto's quirk never allowing the water to drop to a chilling or discomfort ridden temperature. Although a bath is primarily meant for relaxation, you all felt exhaustion wash over you as soon as you stumbled out, and took great pleasure in Katsuki ordering takeout to eat in bed. You all decided that baths like that needed to happen more regularly, and agreed to have once at least twice a week.

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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