Not on the list - KamiKiriTodoDekuBaku

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"Come on Y/N, don't just stand in the doorway. You're blocking people who want to come in," Izuku sighs, a half-teasing smile meeting your distant eyes as you quickly move out of the shops automatic door to let a kind old lady through. "Mm... Why are we even in the pharmacy shop Izuku?" You ask, curiously skimming through the mysterious and long-named bottles that sit on organized shelves above and below you, practically every color of the rainbow being there. "Last time I checked, nobody was ill," Izuku pulls his eyes away from a bottle he was inspecting and hums softly, his hands lowering down to hold yours delicately. "Oh, don't worry babe, nobody's ill or anything scary like that. We just needed to come because Kirishima ordered an inhaler and it's due for collection." He informs you, a confused look overcoming his face as you try to conceal some laughter escaping your mouth. "He... An inhaler? That's really random. Anyway... Why didn't that big rock-brain collect his own inhaler instead of us three going? Shouldn't it be his own responsibility?" You question, gesturing to Kaminari at the front desk - an unnervingly big grin on his face that was undoubtedly from the five cups of coffee he had consumed in the morning to: 'help him strive through the day,' even though he hated coffee and would often go on ranting rampages about how it was bad for your health. He was certainly a weird one. Izuku chuckles, taking his hands off yours, a soft glow shining in his eyes. "Well... He just looked so comfortable sleeping in this morning, same as Shoto and Bakugo. They almost never get to stay in bed and I thought it would be a way to repay them back in a small way, seen as those three do a lot for us... I apologize for dragging you along as well though baby, you were already awake though and I knew you would get bored all alone." He smiles guiltily, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek before Kaminari comes rushing towards you both, two boxes bashing around in his hands.

"Hey my beautiful, amazing loves! Do you guys have an inhaler... I'm starting to think you both took my breath away. Quite literally..." He pants, already spent out from running over to you both from the counter, balancing the boxes precariously on one knee as he gives you both cute little side hugs. "I... Um..." Izuku blushes, red spreading all over his face just at a simple cheesy pick up line - he really was utterly hopeless. "That pick up line was a masterpiece Denki Kaminari." You say impressively, patting him on the back as the two ominous black boxes almost topple out of his grasp. "Thanks!" He cheers, applauding himself as Izuku still tries to collect himself. Hang on a minute. Didn't Izuku just say there was one inhaler back there, you thought, curiosity getting the better of you at the second box. "Kam? Why are there two items, and not one?" You ask suspiciously, the steady smirk rising up his face proving your suspicions of malicious intent. "If baby Izuku here couldn't handle my amazing pick up line, I don't know what he's gonna do about this," He grins, holding up the box and shaking it vigorously, Izuku gulping and becoming a flustered mess as he reads the boxes name. "Turn it to me, I can't see it," You demand. "Viagra? What the h-" You are silenced by both boys at the same time, their eyes widened and darting around the room, looking for anyone who could be close by or listening in. "Ssh, babe! Don't say it out loud!" Kaminari yelps quietly, undying confusion in your face as you pry their hands off your shut mouth. "Is it a drug or something? What does it do?" You ask, Izuku literally melting into a puddle of his own shame and embarrassment whilst a pink glow starts to appear across Kaminari's nose bridge and cheeks like wildfire. "Uh... I'll tell you in the car." He mutters, dragging you both by the wrist all the way to the carpark.

"Oh my gosh..." You manage to let out, both boy's looking at you with wide, pleading saucer-eyes and unbelievably red faces; you had no doubt in mind your's mirrored theirs perfectly however. "So babe, what do you think? Will you go along with me and Izuku's master plan?" Kaminari chuckles, shushing Izuku's protests with one hand whilst the other beckons an answer from you. "Duh, of course I'll go along with it! Just on one condition," You coax evilly, Kaminari sighing and letting you go ahead eventually. "When they go haywire, I don't partake any responsibility in this scheme. You hear me?" You say, Kaminari groaning whilst Izuku repeatedly tries to cool his face down from your heated car-talk. "Fine, I agree to those terms boss. A kiss for agreement terms... and stuff..?" He falters, his soft red cheeks and very tousled hair melting you down instantly. You lean in and press a lingering kiss to his warm lips, and upon hearing Izuku's complaining mutters from the back seat you give him one with equally as much love. "Now that the agreements on then, let's go fucking humiliate them," Kaminari grins maniacally, stepping out of the car and opening Izuku's, waiting for you to get out of the passenger seat and escorting you both to the door with whispers of bravery and encouragement.

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