Ghostly - TodoBakuDekuKamiKiri

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I realised I haven't done one with these 5 in a while, and I've been getting into those very obviously fake paranormal shows lately, so... et voilà!

It had been 5 days exactly since you'd first caught a glimpse of the ghost. You had called it 'the ghost,' even though technically she had told you to call her by her name. 'Dahlia,' it was such a pretty and light name that was full of life for something so truly terrifying. Her pale face was something you could never erase from your mind, and it was making you anxious; every time you sat down in class, your eyes deceived you into thinking you saw her drift past; tangled black hair dragging across the floor along with her bruised and bloodless feet.

Now, why was this happening you ask? In short, you didn't know. It was a Monday morning, and you'd been hanging about with Kaminari at your locker for a while before your class started, simply having a much needed laugh and a few secretive kisses, to boost both of your days as much as you could.
"You're such an idiot..." You giggle, pulling him in for a cheesy hug. He smelt great as per usualjust like ripe berries and summer. "Aw, you love me really though," He grins like a Cheshire Cat, smothering you in tiny kisses that make your spine tingle. As if to remind you that your day wasn't meant to be fun and love filled, the bell rang, piercing both of your ears. Denki groans, sticking an unhappy kiss to your ear before slowly entangling himself out of your embrace. "Gotta go sunshine... You know Aizawa won't take anymore shit from me ever since we over-calculated our time and I came in an hour late..." He sighs, patting your shoulder. "Aw... I understand his logic though. Meet me at the usual spot for lunch, Kay?" You smile, and he gives you a big dopey grin. "Got it. I love youu!" And with that, he's off, bag slung loosely over his shoulder as he jogs away. God you loved him, loved them. Monday Mornings with Denki at your locker were second to none. Smiling to yourself, you picked up your bag and began making your way to class. The halls seemed ominously empty, not a single person in sight. Was the bell delayed or something? You felt a little skeptical, so kept on your guard. It almost felt like something was going to jump out at you...

Looking back, that was quite ironic, but you certainly didn't find it funny at the time. Coming towards you was something horrific, something that couldn't possibly be human. It was floating for starters, paled toes dragging across the ground like chalk to a blackboard. It's eyes were a deep, deep purple, no pupils present, stark in contrast to the translucent white skin of its face. You froze in horror, eyes glued to the monstrous sight. Surely that couldn't be a quirk? Sensing your sudden lack of movement, the creature twists its downturned head towards you and stops, void-like purple eyes looking you up and down. You begin to back away, heart racing with fear. That's when it starts to speak.

"Hello?" It says, voice laced with raspiness, as if testing its voice after a month of no speaking. Perhaps the ghastly purple and blue bruising on its neck affected its speech?You're stunned, still inching away. "Can you hear?" It says, closing in on you. Blinking, you wet your lips. "Yes, yes I can hear. Please don't hurt me!" You say, voice wobbling. You were definitely about to cry — you could already feel the tears forming. Its eyes, although being practically unreadable, seem to soften, and it backs away from you. "I'm sorry. I will not hurt," It says somewhat sheepishly. You wait for it to go on, trying to calm your trembling legs. No one ever got anywhere trying to run from a ghost. "My names Dahlia. I need... help." It sighs, looking out of the window. Still, no one was to be seen. It was like she had transported you to an alternate universe with no people. "Help?" You whisper. "Are you a ghost?" You add, plucking up the courage. She didn't really seem like she was going to hurt you, but you remained extremely wary. She nods sadly. "Yes. But don't want to be. That's why I need you." She says, eyes pleading. "But what can I do to help?" You frown, heart rate beginning to slow down just a little. "I'm stuck here, on Earth. Need to find out who killed me before leaving." She says, eyes flashing with anger. Oh man, you felt your palms go clammy with fear. This was so supernatural, and it was making you panic. "O-okay. I'm sure I can help. But... I kind of can't skip class." You say timidly, not wanting to upset the ghost. She looks at you, head tilted. "You're scared of me. I help." She says, her body bulging and twisting. You feel your jaw go numb, just wanting to run away at the horrific sight. However, after a few seconds, a girl is standing there, faraway violet eyes looking at you, now adorned with tiny pupils, and with straggled black hair that falls down to her waist. "Better?" She asks, attempting a smile. Her lips are a little dry and strained, and her whole being remains pale and transparent; but at the more humanly formed figure, you find yourself relax a bit. "Yes. Thank you." You try to smile, but it ends up shaky. Where was Bakugo and his overprotective nature when you needed him? "Go to class, I'll find you soon." She says eventually, simply evaporating into the air whilst you stand there, stunned. Was that a threat? It sounded like one.

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