Poisonous Lust - KiriKamiBaku

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Your patrol had been long and gruelling — a total of seven days away from familiar grounds, meaning you hadn't seen your boyfriends in what felt like decades.
Instead, you'd been assigned to deal with an association of villains who had been attempting to raid high street shops, but it had turned out it wasn't just a petty thief situation, and that they had villains with dangerously powerful quirks, millions of USD under their belt from what they'd been doing.
After this was figured out, more heroes were sent out along with you, including your close friend Todoroki, but with your quirk not doing much against them alone, you received quite the number of bruises and nasty wounds just from the first day of fighting.

It was finally over though, and you were looking forward to sleeping on a proper bed opposed to the dirty, lumpy mattress you'd had to sleep on for stealth -  outdoors.
You weren't injured to such a large extent that someone had to escort you home, but the amount of time you'd been fighting had certainly taken its toll on you.
Your vision was blurred with relief and sleepiness as you walked alone back from the train station towards your apartment, which was probably why you didn't fully notice the old woman passing you under the isolated bridge, and the way she was steering towards you.
By the time you properly acknowledged her, she was grasping your shoulders and shaking them with a warty grin.

"You think you beat us?" She smirks, and you simply look at her in dazed confusion, standing there like a rag doll as she shakes your shoulders and her gnarled fingernails dig uncomfortably into your skin.
"I'm sorry... do you have a problem?" You blink, trying to back away; growing cautious when she doesn't relent.

"I assure you we'll be back, there's more of us than you think." She seethes, spit landing on your face as she leans closer.
You almost think she's going to bite you at how close she gets, and flinch away, but it's not teeth that impact your skin, it's... lips?
Her paper thin lips, painted in scrawny red lipstick, had kissed your cheek in a hurried motion, making you double back with strength now.
"What the fuck—?!" You gasp in disbelief, finally untangling yourself from her blistering grip, which most definitely, was much too strong for your average granny.

The kiss stings, a gentle throbbing, and you shoot a confused glare at her.
This must be the work of the villain organisation you had just shut down a couple hours ago — and judging by her words, that wasn't the last of them.

Narrowing your eyes, you think of apprehending her and bringing her to the police, but she's sure to have tricks up her sleeve.
"You won't get away with what you've been doing, old cobweb." You spit in anger, and she laughs at you, starting to wobble away.
"Oh, you'll be wishing you didn't say that in a couple hours time. Just you wait." She grins.
As she walks away, you stand there, jaw clenched tight. What on Earth did that even mean?
After a moment of hesitance, you dash towards her with standard hero cuffs in your hands, but she hears you coming from a mile away as suspected, and you find yourself running into a cloud of mysterious pink substance.

She'd vanished.

"Shit," You pant, slowing yourself down.
You touch your cheek and attempt to wipe the tainted red lipstick away, frowning in disgust as it leaves a massive, scarlett smear.
This was bad news, you'd have to inform your agency as soon as you got home, which was not the first thing you wanted to do, but this was... urgent.
Receiving a direct threat like that... along with the strangeness of that encounter.
You needed to call in.
Sighing, you begin to walk back where you'd just ran, muttering a cocoon of curses under your breath — trying to brush off the strange kiss from the old lady as weird, obnoxious villain behaviour.

It's late when you find yourself standing outside the apartment door, breath spiralling upwards in the frosty air like dragon smoke.
You slot the bronze key in the door, your shivering subsiding when met with the warmth that pours out from the apartment.
You hear laughter coming from the living room, and you desperately want to join them, but you need to make the call first.

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