Arcade - DekuBakuTodo

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I promise they get better the further down you read this book :,)

"So the machine just spits out the exact same amount in 2p's as you put in? That's so cool!" Izuku awes as Shoto explains to him how the note-to-penny conversion machine would work once you arrived at the arcade. "Not exactly. It's a scam, always gives you less than you put in." Bakugo states, Izuku giving him an eye roll as you walk down the beach way, remanants of stray sand still lingering in your sandals from the beach.
"How would you know that? That's highly illegal, so I doubt they do that Kacchan." Izuku retorts, slinking back to your side as Katsuki goes on a whole rampage about how the arcade is a waste of time and you always come out with less than you had at the start.
Shoto tries to calm him down with steady wording, but he seems to be having none of it.
"I hate to agree with him, but the arcade is renowned for doing stuff like that." You sigh, watching Midoriyas face as he thinks through what you said.

Shoto stops suddenly, gathering you all in a mishapen circle.
"Look you three. There's no doubt about it, the arcade is a total rip-off, but nevertheless it's still a really fun place to spend the day." He explains, passing you all a yellow tub with flashy red patterns.
"Where did you get these from Shoto?" Izuku questions, brows furrowed.
"Are you all that thick? We're standing outside the arcade this very minute." Bakugo answers gruffly, gesturing to the place you all hover outside of.

The sign above you is a bright neon green, reading 'arcade,' still prominent beside it being midday.
The entrance is super wide, and you can see the generic, funky blue red and yellow carpet stretch across the floor through the spinning glass doors.
"Let's go in!" You gasp in amazement, memories of your childhood leaping back to you as you grab Katsukis wrist and pull him into the loud arcade.
The place is overwhelmingly noisy, 'roar' blaring out of crappy speakers making you cringe, the tears of kids somehow surpassing that volume, and the slurping of high calorie drinks in both of your ears almost deafens you. "This place is so fucking loud," Bakugo yells over all of the overlapping noises, clutching you close before you can run over to some prize giving machine and somehow get lost.

"You two... Don't run off like that!" Izuku pants scoldingly, Shoto following behind him, hair already ruffled up from passing merely a dozen people.
"Hey! I didn't even run off, Y/N took me hostage." Katsuki doesn't hesitate to blame you, and you display a look of mock innocence on your face.
"No I did not, liar." You laugh at Katsukis irked expression. "Tch, I swear to—" Shoto fans his hands infront of your faces, making you break away.
"Calm down you two, it doesn't matter. Y/N? Which arcade game would you like to play first?"
Shoto asks you softly, smiling at your antics slightly.

You look around the whole arcade, all sorts of games inviting you in, and you simply can't choose between them all.
You're about to say you don't mind, and swivel your head back to face Shoto to answer his question, but you spot something behind him and a grin starts to crawl up your face.
"Well they definitely picked something," Izuku says wearily, glancing at your growing smile.
"You gonna tell us or what? I'll definitely whoop all of your asses no matter what it is." Katsuki grins smugly, liking the idea of proving that he was the best at arcade games.

You point over to the bright flashing game behind Shoto's head.
"The claw machine!" You reveal happily, already skipping over to it, tensing your muscles as you prepare to get your claw machine arms on.
"Seriously, the claw machine? Isn't that like the most scam game in the arcade?" Katsuki laughs, flexing his arms.
A tricky game wasn't going to stop him from impressing you all with his skills.
"Just makes it more of a challenge." You smirk, squaring up with him jokingly so both of your eyes meet.

It seemed as if the music and the atmosphere melted into slow-motion in the background as you both stare intensely into each others eyes, and there was no telling any onlookers or anyone otherwise at this moment — you were both completely devoted and in love with each other, the mutual glint in your eyes expressing it all.
You wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss the shit out of him, and almost do, until a sturdy arm broke your passionate and loving gaze.

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