Burning Jealousy - TodoKiriBakuDekuKami

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[ 1072 words ]

Being in a wide relationship with multiple people could make your emotions go haywire and awfully fuzzy sometimes, and you found that jealousy often swirled around in the pit of your stomach as much as you hated to admit it. It had happened just the other day; Bakugo and Kaminari were snuggled up peacefully together, arm in arm on the sofa, film music playing softly in the background as you tried to ignore the sick feeling of jealously building up inside of you by the minute. They looked so picture perfect like that - something you yearned to have desperately but always felt just shy of, just adding more fuel to the raging fire of jealousy. You peeled your sore eyes off them, scanning the room for your other lovers, and you couldn't help but feel unwanted when you saw them all cuddled up with one another in some way or somehow; Kirishima resting his head floppily on Izuku's shoulder, Shoto resting his on the other - a small smile tugging at Izuku's lips as he strokes their hair with the utmost care. Yet there you sat alone, everyone preoccupied with one another whilst you watched the credits roll slowly down the black screen bleakly, feeling utterly worthless.

Before you knew it, you were wallowing in your jealous thoughts, and felt the gradually built up tears threatening to gush down your cheek without any control whatsoever. You didn't want them to see you like this at all, you just can't be jealous in a poly relationship, it doesn't work like that. You're meant to all love and care for each other equally, which you did! You loved them with every morsel of your being, so why did you feel like this? You slowly rise from the sofa, attempting to conceal the look of conflict on your face as you pad past them all, tears welling up even more as you feel Shoto's hand brush your arm and catch your wrist before you can walk away. "Y/N, where are you going baby?" He whispers quietly, voice hoarse from not speaking the entirety of the movie and a gentle look etched on his face. "I'm just going to bed... it's late." You fib, pulling away from his grasp and speed toward you're shared room, leaving Shoto with a bewildered and concerned look. He was almost sure he had seen silvery tear trails on your cheeks, the bright television adverts that had played in the background lighting them up and making them evident.

"What the fuck happened there?" Bakugo groans, shoving Kaminari off his lap a little too hard so that he topples onto the floor in a dishevelled heap. "Ow, what was that for? I thought we were having wholesome cuddles," Kaminari whines, nursing his head as Bakugo gives him a somewhat apologetic scowl.
"That's exactly the reason they left shit brain, from what I saw anyway." He mutters, heaving himself up and helping Kaminari up in the same motion.
"What do you mean Kacchan? Wait... Shoto, were they crying?" Izuku questions, a worried look washing over his face as Shoto gives him a paced nod.
"Y/N was crying? Well, we need to go see them!" Kirishima explains frantically, almost toppling over in his rush to get up.
"No, give them some time. It's probably because you three idiots were there cuddling and doing sappy shit whilst they were on their own. If that's the case, they probably won't want to see any of you right now." Bakugo explains wearily, guiding Kirishima to sit back down, who does, reluctantly.

You lie on the bed, lights off and door shut tight, enveloped in a blanket of pitch black darkness. You felt like you were in one of those main character scenes in a film, but the sudden conclusion that never failed to pop into their heads out of the blue, you lacked. All you could think of was how selfish you were being, how shallow you must be to feel jealously toward people you were dating. You drag another tissue from the box beside your bed and once drying up your never ending tears you toss it away into the metal bin, an empty sound echoing around the room like some sort of underground cave. With the faint taste of sweet popcorn mixed with your salty tears at the back of your throat, you collapse into the bed, the warmth of the sheets and the familiar scent of your lovers comforting your working mind undeniably. You wrap yourself up in the duvet and let your whirring mind slow down and drift from your troubles, sleep engulfing you in a matter of moments.

"You awake sleepy head?" You're awoken by a gentle prod of your shoulder and a whisper on the opposing side, the room blurry with sleep as you adjust to your surroundings, vibrant red hair and a blonde either side of your vision.
"Yeah, they're awake alright, don't poke them idiot," Bakugo sighs, Kirishima apologising profusely.
"I'm sorry..." You mumble, rolling over onto your stomach and burying your head into the safety of the pillow.
You feel a warm hand tilt your head up, and find yourself looking into Kirishima's eyes, a smile on his face. "Aw Y/N... You don't have to feel as if you have to hide your emotions from all of us you know?" He says softly, gesturing to the others around you all giving you soft and ready smiles. "Exactly as Kirishima said. I have no doubt all of us have felt jealous at one point, I know I certainly have." Shoto hums, tucking your hair behind your ear as you give him an unstable smile.
"Yeah, I can back that one up. A few weeks ago when I saw you and Bakugo in the kitchen looking all lovey and close cooking in the kitchen, I definitely felt kinda uncomfortable with myself and jealous. I wanted to be one of you, yet I also didn't... I know I explained it weird but it's a super confusing and horrible feeling." Kaminari confesses, his cheeks flushing as he stumbles over his words. "Just know that we'll always love you babe, and don't ever push back your emotions or feel unworthy, they are so important to us. You'll always be significant in our hearts and I hope you'll be able to see that one day!"

Please give me suggestions I'm running out of ideas </3

[ All new parts now in chapter 2, available on my profile. ]

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