Shy - KiriBaku

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Your whole life you'd been quiet, and you weren't even exactly sure why. You were worried, scared of what others thought of you, always overthinking the simplest of things that others would forget in mindless seconds. When you went to school, it was at its worst - even bending down to retrieve a dropped pen made your stomach do jittery somersaults. You really didn't want to go and self-diagnose yourself with anxiety, and you didn't particularly want to be tested for it anyway - you always just told yourself it would blow over eventually when you got out of school, and that you were only like that around people you didn't know. You had no issue communicating with your friends... it was just a bitter struggle to try and be yourself around others you didn't know.

When your teacher had assigned you to a group project three years ago with Katsuki Bakugo and Ejirou Kirishima, you vividly remember feeling your heart drop in fear and uncontainable worry. Your face had remained neutral as she had announced the group, but your leg had instantly began jumping up and down quickly in anticipation, a bad nervous habit of yours. You distinctly remember Bakugo making a remark about how he didn't want to work with the quiet kid, which was, and would be, seared in your memory forever. Working together with two unfamiliar, loud people who constantly bickered tested your introvert tendencies to its limits, but after the first couple of days, you had began to open up to Kirishima, and then Katsuki shortly after. You're continually thankful for the project occurring to this day, as it's the reason that you're in the relationship you are now.

You still get teased about it though; how painfully awkward you were around them to begin with.
"—It took you daaays to stop being so reserved. I'm glad I made such an effort though, who knew you could be so loud and adorable." Kirishima teases, grinning before he takes a sip of his soup. All three of you are gathered around the small oak dining table, the radio blasting tunes whilst you talk. I told you it was a common subject of discussion. 
"Yeah, yeah. It's not even my fault. I think everyone was somewhat scared of Katsuki. Apart from you Kiri, you're just... one of a kind." You roll your eyes quickly, Bakugo protesting by banging his spoon gently on the table.
"I wasn't scary, idiot. Everyone was just a wuss in that class." He grunts, both you and Kirishima exchanging a skeptical glance before bursting out into laughter.
"You did not just say you weren't scary in school bro. Literally everyone was at least a little on edge around you, you constantly looked like you were constipated when anyone even spoke to you," Kirishima splutters, having to put his cutlery down as he doubles over at the memory.
"Shut up..." Katsuki groans, turning away so you can't see him stifle a snigger.
"It's true, I felt like I was being judged so bad when I had to ask you to pass me the scissors to cut up some paper strips for our huge jellyfish. It took me a good few minutes to muster up the courage, and when I asked, you gave me the most rotten glare ever, like I'd put gum in your hair or something." You splutter, your words making Kirishima break into laughter once more.
"I never meant to! Jeez..." He sighs, crossing his arms.
"You two are complete snowflakes. Kirishima, I think you're the only one who ever even bothered trying to speak to me. It was annoying as hell sometimes, but look where I am now." He shrugs, slinging an arm around Ejirous shoulder.
"Thanks I guess," Kirishima chuckles, planting a kiss to his cheek.
"And you, Y/N, I'm not gonna lie, all I knew about you was that you were hella quiet and an absolute babe. Almost all the guys had a fat crush on you, but you didn't even try to keep their helpless conversations going. It made me laugh, I have to say." Bakugo laughs softly, rubbing your thigh.
"When I really got to know you though, y'know, at those sort of 'tester dates' we three had... I fell in love with you. You were funny and lively, but still had that sweet, shy element that has definitely gone now around us." He scoffs, making you mock punch him.
"You're charming Bakugo," You poke your tongue out at him, arising from your seat and picking up your bowl. "Do you want me to take any bowls?" You ask, both of them nodding.

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