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Did anybody roll a 5 or an 8? Because I am BACK from Jumanji!


These two months. Whew. All I've been doing is writing tests...and papers..and more tests. Did I mention tests? In Fact I have another one on Monday. But I really wanted to finish BTAV, or atleast put in another chapter. I had a test on my birthday as well. What is my life? We had an international conference, then i got sick. :/ I promise I wasn't kidnapped. Anywho, I'm sorry for theses two months! But I'm back. And I'm grovelling!

The song is Photograph by Ed Sheeran. And I love it! So much!

Shall we just crack on then?


I looked to the right, meeting the eyes of my alleged betrayer with confidence that she wouldn't have done it.

But when her eyes slipped down, my eyes widened.

What? No way.

"Gin?" I asked, disbelief colouring my tone.

Her hands fisted by her sides and she looked up at Will and Malcolm who were standing across from us, a smug look on their faces; faces that I was tempted to rub against the floor.

"That was not what it was," she gritted out.

"Then what was it exactly?" Kiel asked, stepped forward from beside me to stand right in front of her. His violet eyes gleamed in anger, even as he moved himself to block me from her.

I was in shock.

Gin had betrayed us?

When? How? ....why?

The last question was the most painful one. Why would she betray us? Me? We were best friends. Always had been.

"Who do you think led us to the beach house?" Malcolm spat.

"The Sea House," Derek corrected, almost absentmindedly.

I threw him a look, but his eyes were narrowed on Gina, who was standing straight, with fisted hands and a fierce scowl on her face.

My heart slowly broke in my chest as I stared at my friend. Parts of me denied she would have ever done it. But she wasn't moving. She wasn't defending herself.

Why wasn't she defending herself?

Defend yourself! I wanted to yell. Give me a reason to believe this isn't true.

"Who do you think had given her the y'vi, which you would've had with you if you hadn't figured out that it could all be traced back to you." Malcolm continued.

My eyes squeezed shut and I thought of something...

"Who do you think separated you and your mate," Malcolm spat the word out like it was poisonous, "from them when you teleported away as we shot at you? Though she messed up by sending your mate and that fortune teller with you."

Derek bristled beside me.

"Excuse me, what did you call me?" He growled out.

I looked at Kiel, "You said you accidentally separated us."

Kiel met my eyes with sad ones of his own.

"I thought I did, by pushing Derek out of the way," he said, his eyes hardening and moving back to Gina. "Guess not."

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