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This is a pretty big chapter...I think/hope and as always I hope you enjoy it, despite the possibilities of typos. Vote and comment ya'll! :D

I'm sorry about the cliff-hanger in the previous chapter, I got an earful from my friend for that. She also threatened bodily harm if this chapter didn't satisfy her need for 'action'. This chapter has a lot of 'action'. So, if you're not into that kind of thing...read it anyway. Tee Hee. :P


You would think that I would've gotten used to how he makes me feel, what he makes me want. But nooo. I'm still stunned. I don't remember what happened, it's like when you get into an accident, you don't really remember anything until later. It's your body's defense mechanism in work. But this was no accident. And I'm rambling.

Honestly, right now I was the happiest person in the world. Despite the fact that I couldn't breathe.

If, from observing Kiel for so long, I had expected a hot kiss, I was wrong. Oh, I was so wrong. Because I got a steaming-fan-yourself-ohmiGod-I-can't-breathe-but-I-don't-care kiss. It was everything I wanted and he was everything I needed. The minute my lips touched his, I was lost to everything but him. A heat so intense flared between us that had us going into a frenzy, my hands were curled in his hair, while one of his was on my waist and the other was placed against my throat with his thumb just underneath my jaw. He would press his thumb and alter my position as if for better access, and God if it wasn't hot. His hand pressed against my waist as if he were going to push me away.

Yeah, not happening.

I arched back into him and he gave in with a groan. I pulled my hands from his hair and dropped it to the hem of his shirt and tugged it aside and slipped my hands underneath and sighed as I felt soft warm skin over hard steel underneath.

I felt Kiel's chest vibrate with words that were lost to me, I wasn't even sure if it was English.

I leaned back to press a kiss to the pulse beating under his jaw, his hands dropped to my waist and he pushed me away. Three seconds later he was kissing a path down my neck and I was shuddering. Blood was rushing to my head and it took me a few minutes to realize that something was blaring. Really. Really. Loudly.

Both of us froze and Kiel jerked away, a word from another language ripping out of his mouth harshly, as he got up and walked to the far side of a wall and made a gesture with his hand like he was zooming in on something. Then, I was transferred into Iron Man. No, seriously, something like a blue laser beam in the shape of a circle with complex connections within itself popped up in the air and he swirled it around and his fingers flew across the key board that appeared. Three seconds later, a panel opened in the wall and a flat screen flipped out, offering four different views of some area. I squinted and realized that it was areas around this house.

He had security cameras installed?

It took me three tries to even speak. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

When he turned around, his eyes heated when the dropped to my lips.

"Something has set off the alarms," he said as he did something and everything went back into the panel. He turned completely to look at me.

"I have to go check it out." He said, running a hand through his hair, his piercing glinting against the light.

I stood up, "Is it anything to worry about?" I asked.

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