The Challenge

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Oh crud. Oh crud.

I couldn't get up and hide. No. Definitely not now. I would be caught in he act by whoever was approaching the room.

But...I could hide from plain sight.

I lifted myself off Kiel, who unconsciously pulled me closer and made a small disgruntled noise. I smother a smile and shook him, not daring to whisper in case which ever Supernatural being outside heard us.

His eyes snapped open and I pressed a finger to my lips, sliding my gaze to the closed door. Despite having been just woken up, he quickly understood what I was talking about.

I moved away and mouthed an incantation. Gold sparkled around me and I went invisible.

Kiel eyebrows swept up and he lifted up onto his elbows, his dishevelled hair dropping deliciously onto his forehead as he tilted his head and inhaled.

My scent. Oh shite. It was probably all over him.

He seemed to realize this the same moment I did, because he reached back and pressed a button that was strategically placed behind the bed, almost hidden from view.

Air rushed across the room and a sweet lavender smell wafted in. Kiel inhaled again and settled back just as the door to the room opened.


She looked perfectly ruffled. Her hair was an artful messy, making her look very sexy. Her eyes were hooded and she swung her hips as she walked towards the bed.

I so don't want to be here for this.

Kiel looked her way for a minute before looking back at my general direction.

I wasn't invisible in the actual sense. Okay. I was. I'd actually deflected the rays of light from falling on me. And we all know that an object can only be perceived when and if light falls upon it and enters our eyes, forming an image on our retinas.

It's why normal people can't see in the dark (the Vamps can see because their eyes are adept in perceiving even the smallest of refraction and reflection of light, while we can't).

But this spell was neat and failure-proof because not a single ray of light falls on me. Unless of course someone walks into you.

That would suck.

"Kiel," she said like his name was something delectable.

Oh, hell.

She placed one knee onto the bed and leaned forward, her hair fell over her shoulder and tumbled down her chest as she crawled her way to Kiel. I stayed very still, scared that she might hear something.

She smacked one right on his lips and stayed there, sucking on his lower lip, both her hands came up to cradle his face.

Oh God. My eyes.

I covered them, but curiosity killed the cat and all that, so I peaked.

I shouldn't have. Really really shouldn't have. Forget colouring my hair blonde. Give it some time and blondes will make fun of me.

Katie was on her back with Kiel on top and they were-

I almost puked my intestines out.

Luckily Katie had left the door ajar, so I rushed out and away from the serious make out session they were having. My eyes pricked, threatening to tear. I rubbed my wrists against them roughly to stop them from tearing and in hopes to scrub the image away.

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