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"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together?
Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences."
― Emery Allen

Shall we move on then!? ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Back to our worries now.

After food and a lot of introductions to the many curious eyes...and hands...and noses-yes there were dogs here-we had settled in a sitting room. And everyone was starting at me.

I was caught on with a small black pug. She was a month old and I don't think I had ever seen anything more perfect. I cuddled her right to my chest and nuzzled her nose to mine. She slipped her tongue out and licked my face and I laughed. As soon as she saw Kiel, who was sitting next to me, his hair messed up like he'd run his hands through it too many times, with his arm along the back of the sofa that we were sitting on, her ears perked up and she started wind-milling her legs to get to Kiel. I say wind-milling because I was holding her up and her tiny little feet kept trying to go to Kiel. I placed her gently on Kiel's thigh-oh what mighty thighs you have-and watched as she sniffed at Kiel anywhere she could reach. Kiel caught her up and lifted her, meeting her eyes and she went crazy. Her little tail wagged so hard that her whole little butt moved; she kept moving her legs to latch onto Kiel's shirt. When he let her do that, she swiftly climbed her way to his face and lapped it up.

I laughed my ass off as Kiel, surprised at her lick-attack, tried to curb her enthusiasm. Not that she was letting him.

Ain't nobody curbing little pug.

I heard snickering around me, but when Kiel glared up at the others, their face was innocent as a lamb and I continued laughing. Kiel finally managed to pluck the pug off his face and he placed her right in front of mine.

Not that it stopped me laughing, I just caught her easily and brought her back to my lap and let her curl up there.

When we looked up to meet my aunt's gaze, she raised her eyebrows.

"Are we ready to be adults now?" she asked.


Despite the curtness of her tone, I saw the amusement of her eyes.

Kiel just leaned back comfortably, his arm stretched out behind me again and I leaned against him.

We shrugged at the same time.

You have dog drool all over your face. He said.

Me? I snorted, You should look at you!

He threw me his usual you-don't-amuse-me face and I snickered.

"Anyway," my aunt continued, tucking her hair behind her ears and leaning forward, her eyes meeting mine.

"You can control it." She stated.

"Hm?" I asked, looking up from the little pug that was asleep on my lap.

"You can control it." She stressed again.

I could almost hear the wheel in Kiel's head spinning as he started to lean forward.

"What do you mean?" Gin asked, her own golden eyes trained on my aunt.

"You were able to merge back with your body," my aunt said, her eyes glinting in the light.

"That is the weirdest thing I have ever heard." Derek said, his eyes flicking to me to give me a WTF look.

I threw him a grin.

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