Blowing Up And Breaking Out

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Happy reading my unicorns!

"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
― Phyllis Diller

So, I promise next chappy will be bigger. And it's going to be an information overload. Tee Hee. ^_^


Tears slipped free from my eyes. Angry tears. Sad tears. Tears of loss. But silent tears. They streaked down my face, dropping like dead birds onto my towel. My eyes were trained to the ceiling and I just...stared.

I was stronger than this. I know I was. But I needed time.

I took a deep breath, ignoring the tears streaming down my eyes. I stood up, walked up to Kiel and pulled on the back t-shirt he had in his hands until he let go. When he did, I pulled it over my head and ripped the towel out from under it. I pulled my hair out from under the back of the t-shirt.I walked to the closet, where I'd seen Kiel take out his clothes from and pulled out a black skinny jean. I was dressing how I felt. And I was pissed. And hurt. And effing annoyed.

So, black.

Effing black.

I headed out through the door and I knew Kiel would follow. I didn't have it in me to stop and turn and tell him not to follow me.

I walked out of the castle, listening to the swish of Kiel's cape as I walked. Somehow, despite my anger and pain and hurt, the fact that he was here helped.

Taking a deep breath, I just...walked.

I didn't let myself think about anything, except putting one foot in front of the other. I lifted my face to the wind that blew hard against my face because we were so close to a large water body. I let it dry the tears that sometimes rolled down my cheeks. It had darkened considerably and I could already see the stars.

"Kiera," Kiel breathed my name like it was a prayer.

I couldn't not turn and look at him.

So, I turned. I looked him in the eye and waited. I don't know what he saw in my face but his expression morphed for a second into something I couldn't read, before settling back into concern.

He looked like he was going to take a step forward, but stopped himself.

His cape whipped around him, wrapping around his hard, lean, muscled legs, before whipping away. I watched, fascinated. This happened many times before Kiel spoke.

"My mother's name is Rose," he said.

My eyes flashed up to meet his.

Rose... that made sense. His tattoo had roses on it. The pictures he paints had roses on it.

"She's..." he let out a bitter laugh, looking away, before looking back at me.

"She is my father's mate. But she lost her mind after she gave birth to Derek. Though if you were to ask her, she'd say that's when she actually realized the world." He had a wry smile on his face.

I went to his side and sat down on the smooth sand. Kiel settled beside me, his feet on the floor and knees bent before him. He rested his arms on his knees and I watched as he got lost in his memories as the wind mussed his hair in and out of his eyes. He didn't even seem to notice.

"She gained her ability only after Derek was born. We don't know why her abilities were dormant for so many years. She can," he tilts his head as if confused how to put it, "Know about a person by touching them. Their present, their past, their...future."

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