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"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home."

- Matsuo Basho


I woke up ten hours later, feeling absolutely perfect and terribly cranky. Pain was still slicing through me in all kinds of places, but I wasn't sleepy anymore. I sat in the dining hall, where we'd all assembled to eat in an all-you-can-eat buffet. There were bottles of blood. I'm pretty sure I stared at it for a few minutes, before pain lanced through me again and I just sat on a chair and slumped onto the table, my cheek smushed against the cool wood, and groaned.

Oh, lord. The agony.

Gin rubbed a hand down my back a few times, while Jet and Derek stood behind her, with confused expressions, unsure if they could approach me or not. Good thing too, no one knew when I would turn into a demon. I huffed out a breath as Gin murmured words of empathy to me. Then they slowly walked away towards the buffet table.

Kiel walked up to me, because he liked to live dangerously, and he rubbed a hand against my back. I let out a small sigh of relief and closed my eyes in the temporary relief. I think he liked that he could reduce my pain, because when I opened my eyes, he had a satisfied look on his face.

He pressed a soft kiss to my hair and murmured that he would get me something to eat.

I just grunted out in reply and I'm not sure what he understood, but he left and walked towards the table.

"Are you okay?" Lazarus's said, his voice soft, like he didn't want to scare me.

I opened my eyes and met Lazarus's eyes. His green brown eyes were so similar to mine that it took me a few minutes to respond.

"The world is a dark, bleak place and there is no light at the end of the tunnel." I muttered, my voice low and grumbly.

"There's no silver lining. There's no broth for too many hands to spoil." I continued.

Lazarus chuckled and I threw him a glare, he smartly stopped chuckling and nodded his head at me seriously.

"But...there is chocolate." I heard Kiel say from somewhere behind.

Ah. Best mate ever.

Only mate ever, Kiel corrected in my head.

I lifted my poor body off the table when Kiel placed something on the table. I looked and realized he had places two somethings on the table. One plate was sin and the other was the librarian. Or whatever is the opposite of sin.

Plate one had chocolate and all things dark and sweet and perfect. Plate two had vegetables and all things Bugs Bunny would love. So naturally I ignored plate two.

But my mate was onto me.

He easily lifted me off the chair, set himself underneath and placed me on his lap.

I didn't even have time to grumble.

But when he pressed a hand to the sin plate that I was pulling towards me, I stilled.

"Kiel, it might be in your best interest to let go of that man." Jet muttered as he passed us and sat real far away from us.

"I think he shouldn't." Lazarus said, chuckling as he left towards the buffet table.

"Abort, abort." Gin muttered urgently as she settled near us, her eyes trained on his hand.

Kiel chuckled behind me, his chest vibrating.

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