Like Flying

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By the time we stopped for dinner (since we'd started our journey at late evening), Katie was up and reapplying lip gloss. I wondered why she had to, when her lips naturally looked pink and lush.

Oh, well.

I took in Derek's sleeping form as he leaned heavily against the door and snored like a bear.

"I have an idea," I whispered.

Jet and Kiel turned to me with matching gleams in heir eyes. Katie didn't care because she didn't feel the need to avenge herself since she'd been happily asleep while Derek assaulted our ears.

I slowly unlocked his side of the door, being very very careful as to not wake the beast up. Then, I nodded my head at Kiel and Jet who were standing on the outside waiting for my signal. Katie had her hands crossed and one heel tapped the ground like she didn't have time for this.

Well, screw her. She's not the with possible permanent ear damage.

Jet wretched the door open and Derek tumbled out with a loud snort-snore. He landed on his head, then rolled onto his butt and jerked awake.

All of us kept our mouths shut as we waited.

"What happened?" he asked, looking around, confused, his hair sticking up on one side and plastered to his face on the other side, from leaning on the door.

"Oh, you said you were hungry so we stopped for food." I said, sliding toward the open door and twisting to the side so that my legs hung free as I looked down at Derek.

"When?" he asked, confused.

"Before you fell asleep again, can we go now?" Katie grumbled, surprisingly playing along.

"Oh," Derek said, scratching his head and stood up unsteadily and dusted himself, looking supremely confused, "Okay."

He turned to head towards the general direction of the restaurant. Once he'd walked away and joined Will, Gin, Denzel and his mate I started snickering.

I hopped out of the car, shut the door behind me and slapped Jet's hand in a high five.

"Booyah!" I said as I turned to Kiel for a high five. Then I froze, because when it came to him I wasn't sure. I was never sure.

He slapped my hand gently and jerked his head, telling me to follow Derek. I turned and followed Derek, placing my hands on his back and pushing him ahead.

Who knew I'd end up liking this crazy cuckoo?

He threw me a grin over his shoulder and placed his hands on Gin's shoulder. She looked behind her and squealed "Oooh! The train!"

I beckoned Will and he dropped his hands on my shoulder, laughing. The four of us started making train noises and swerved paths like a snake as Gin led us into the restaurant. The occupants inside either laughed at us or rolled their eyes at our childishness.

We didn't care, we only stopped when we found a big enough table. This time I chose to sit near Denzel and his mate, realizing that they weren't really part of the group. I grabbed two lollipops from Derek's hand as he took it out of a bag that Kiel had brought from the Hummer.

How had I not sniffed out this sweet bag was beyond me. Because I was an effing hound when it came to sweets.

Derek protested but I ignored him. I offered one to Denzel's tall, pretty and shy mate.

She eyed the lollipop and gave me small smile. Denzel nudged her gently in what I assumed was a coaxing way and she took it from me, murmuring a thanks.

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