Sarcastic Snakes And Crappy Magic Spells

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"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
~One Of My Favourite Authors

This one's for you, JLA.

A few minutes of silence prevails between us. I suddenly remembered listening to a song where the artist speaks about silence that was so loud. Admittedly, when I first heard it I was thinking what the eff?, but now I get it. I totes get it.

The silence was so loud it hurt my ears and made me want to break it. So I asked the first thing that came to my mind.

"And what would you do?" I asked.

Would you do it differently, I wanted to ask. Would you chose yourself over the ones you love, I wanted to know.

But I couldn't. I don't know why. I couldn't ask him...because if he said that he wouldn't choose his happiness over another's, I would fall deeper into the spell he was weaving around me. I was caught. So hopelessly caught in him.

Two beats of silence later he said, "You should probably sleep."

He didn't give me an answer, which technically was an answer in itself. He would not do it any differently. He would choose the person he loved...just like me.

The was it. We were doomed. We were doomed from the beginning and we'd be doomed till the end.

There's no way I'd keep the phone now.

"Tell me what your hobby is." I demand.

I shouldn't want to know. I shouldn't be asking him this. He should be having quiet, intimate conversations with the rain splattering in the background, with his fiancé to be. Not with me. We don't want there to be an us. We shouldn't want to know about each other. I should keep the phone. I should tell him that I didn't mean to ask that and that I was tired.

But I wasn't tired. And I wanted to know.

He was my fire and I was a month drawn to him.

He doesn't say anything and I know to wait.

"Tell me." I insist again.

"Tell me why you fear the thunder," he asked.

My throat clogged and I squeezed my eyes closed.

I couldn't do it.

Neither of us said anything. I think we both knew we weren't ready to truth each other with too much of ourselves.

I hear him breathe and I know he can hear me breathe. For now...that's enough for me.

And maybe for him too?

I can hear my heart beating hard against my chest. It blocks out everything else. I try to even my breathing out so that I can concentrate but nothing I do helps.

"Tell me something about Vamps that I don't know. I should warn you though, if you tell me something like you can grow wings at night and fly, I'd believe you because I know don't know jack about you guys." I say.

"We drink blood for nutrition because our body has forgotten how to break down the glucose it gets from food we consume and spread it around the body by dissolving it into the blood," he said like I would say the earth revolves around the sun.


"It's why we drink, and prefer, blood directly from a source rather than going canned." he said.

He said the word canned like I would say capsicum. Or studying.

"Ha. So you can basically eat all the food you want and not put on an once of weight?" I asked.

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