BCWW, Burgers and Bermudas

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Fair warning, big A/N here. Please read it, it could clear up the stuff that you may be confused about.


Before I start, I would like to clear something up. My friend who's also reading BTAV asked me something and I was thinking that maybe she wasn't the only one who wondered that. So... Yes. It seems irrational that Kiel's father won't let him do something as simple as painting. 'Heir' in Vamp terms means being a King. He has to lead his people (who are far larger in population than the Witches and Shifters) well, he is to be responsible for their health and would be crucified for any fault/mistake of his. His father believes that there should be nothing that distracts him from that goal. Nothing. Kiel's interest in art goes deeper than just recreation, which his father is aware of. If his feelings about art were just recreational then maybe his dad wouldn't be such an ass about it. Maybe.


"Why are you so jittery?" Gin muttered, slamming one hand down on my knee, which was bouncing about like I'd consumed glucose as if it were air.

"I'm not," I pouted, turning in hopes to get a glimpse of the small village that was so pretty at night with colorful lights and cold nights. Ooh, I rhymed.

Sadly all I could see was Will's head.


This time I was in the car where Denzel was driving with Fiona in the passenger seat and I was squished behind between Will and buzz kill (aka Gina). Ooh, rhymed again. I'm on a roll today.

I grumbled at her when she didn't remove her hand from my knee. I wiggled it a little bit and said, "Fine, I won't do it anymore. Let go."

She let go after throwing me a look of warning and suspicion. Soon she was fiddling with her phone and as expected, mine buzzed ten seconds later.

wat r u upto?

I was more than a little insulted that she thought that I was up to something, forget that I actually was, but come on. She's my best friend, she's supposed to think the best of me.

What makes you think I'm up to something? :(

As always, as soon as she opened the message she rolled her eyes. She thinks my persistence on typing words the normal (long and tiring according to her) way was pointless and a wasted effort.

Bcoz yur xcited.

I rolled my eyes. Please.

I would get excited if you told me Santa Claus is real. So, if that says anything, it says I get excited easily.

She replied: Santa is nt real? :O and I laughed softly and shook my head as I deleted our messages.

For some time it was really quiet and peaceful and the only thing that bothered me was my hungry tummy, then again, that always bothered me so that was a moot point. Then my best friend sends me the mother of all shocking messages.

So did you and K get invlved in any BCWW?

I choked on my own saliva and had to pound my chest soundlessly so that I didn't wake up Will (who was snoring now, thank God. I would be dead if he saw that message) and deleted that message.

If you hadn't already guessed, BCWW meant bowchicawowow in Gin's crazy language. I can't believe she sent that.

What if someone was monitoring our feed? We'd be dead before I can say Gremlin. Not that I would say Gremlin.

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