Time To Talk

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"The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature."
― Antoine François Prévost, Manon Lescaut

Okay, there are probably a lot of typos, but I didn't want to keep this chappy away from you guys any longer. Please forgive the late update and/or typos! <3 Luv ya!

Happy reading Unicorns!


I felt the sudden need to grab onto the 'Oh, shit' lever that was present in a car while Kiel zipped down the corridor. My eyes were tearing up so I shut them closed. When I opened them, we were standing outside the glass wonder of a castle and seven bigass Vamps stood in a semi-circle with Lazarus a foot in the front smack dab in the middle.

What's with the conference arrangement?

When I craned my neck I saw three people standing on the other side and I stilled.

Oh, shit.

Derek saw my face and waved, a bright smile lighting up his face.

"Kieeera! We're here to save you!" he said.

Oh, shit.

Jet and Gina gave him a Stop-it-and-look-badass face. Derek immediately became serious and looked at my fath-Lazarus.

"Unhand them and we won't hurt you." He said, in his most serious voice ever.

I buried my face in my hands while Kiel snickered behind me. When I looked up, Derek's eyebrows were furrowed as he met Kiel's gaze. Kiel slowly placed me on my feet as Derek had a deer-in-the-headlights expression. Then, he blinked and straightened into a non-threatening pose.

"Oh." He said, blinking at Lazarus. Derek and Jet still had a WTF expression and I looked at Kiel, whose lips were twitching. I guessed that Kiel had filled Derek in with his mind-connection super-power thing. Both Kiel and I walked towards our friends and I watched Kiel's shoulders shake a little trying to hold the laughter in. I whacked him on the shoulder, because our friends had come to save us and it was... a nice thought...

Kiel's humour filled eyes met mine and a few giggles slipped loose from me. When Gina planted her hands on her hips and gave me a look that practically spelt out F-Bombs, I cracked up. Kiel wasn't far behind.

The fact that our friends had 'tried to save us'...and the way Derek looked...

I laughed harder at Derek's sheepish expression, Gin and Jet looked at him in confusion and frustration.

I heard a throat clear behind me and I looked around to see twitching lips and looks of confusion amongst Lazarus and his...beefy men-Vamps-dudes.

I turned to face them and cleared my throat. I pointed to Derek who had started explaining what was going on to Jet and Gin in a low voice, quickly. Kiel came to stand beside me, his eyes still glinting with humour.

"This is Derek Fang, Kiel's youngest brother-"

Lazarus' expression was frankly comical. He rubbed a hand down his face and said, "There are more of them?"

I let out a laugh, because it was something I had asked too, Kiel frowned behind me while Derek rolled his eyes because he remembered what I had said to him. Gin and Jet smirked and exchanged amused looks.

"Anyway, this is Gina. Gin, wave." I said to my best friend. She waved almost absently, her eyes trained on what Derek was telling them.

"That's-" I started but Kiel intercepted and said, "That's Leonardo."

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