The Beginning

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When I woke up, I had no idea where I was. I blinked, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. When I looked around I realised I was home. I was at the Witch Castle. In my room. I fell back onto my bed, snuggling with the sheets.

Oh you, pretties. I missed you. I missed you so.

Then, when my body decided to relax, my mind spewed the memories that had escaped my mind for a few blissful hours.

I sobered up immediately, sat up and pushed my hair back. I took a deep breath and realised I still needed to get some ish to be done.

First being, that I needed to get a hair tie. So I walked towards my dresser and opened a small case and pulled out my favourite black faithful tie that never came apart from being pulled so tight around my hair. Placing the tie between my teeth, I ran a brush through my hair, then separated the brown strands into three and started plaiting it.

Oh to have the luxury to do my damn hair. I've missed this.

"Of everything, this is what you missed?" A voice said from behind me.

I jumped up three feet in the air, letting out a yelp. I whipped around and glared at Kiel.

"Excuse me, but you're not the one who has hair to your waist and could star in Rapunzel." I growled, turning to give him my back again. No one messes with my hair-time.

He came and wrapped his arms around me, pressing his chin to the top of my head. I grunted and wiggled to pull my hair in the front and continued to plait it.

God, this is never ending.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel throw down your hair," Kiel murmured.

Realising I'd dropped the hair tie, I wiggled against Kiel to push him back and look for the damn thing.

I kneeled down, the fingers of one hand wrapped around the bottom of my plait to keep it secure temporarily.

Cursing when I realised I'd probably kicked the hair tie underneath the small gap between the dresser and the floor, I placed my face on the carpet and tried to look underneath.

"Not that I'm complaining, because the view is great. But what are you doing?" Kiel asked.

Squinting with one eye to try to see if the tie was there or not, I replied.

"You scared me so I dropped the tie. I don't know if-"

The dresser lifted off the floor and I let out a triumphant whoop and swiped the tie off the floor.

Wrapping it around my hair as Kiel placed the dresser back carefully, I stood up.

He raised his eyebrows at me as if to say 'What do you say?'

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks," I said, tossing my plait over my shoulder and finally being free of hair on the back of my neck.

My neck weeped tears of gratitude.

He smirked at me, his lips raising in a crooked smile, before pushing his hair back off his forehead.

The strands had grown again, so they came back to fall over his forehead, blocking the sight of his perfect piercing.

"You need a hair cut," I mused.

He smirked at me, stepping forward to press his forehead to mine.

"It's over." He whispered.

I shut my eyes in relief. Yes. It was over.


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