Not In Kansas Anymore

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Immature love says:"I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I love you because I love you."

~Erich Fromm

Happy reading!


I was so shocked that my anger puched out of me. My power leaked away and I slumped into Kiel. It was a good thing he had the power to keep us up, or we'd have been a few feet under the ground now.

When he slowly set us down on the ground, I pulled away from him, wrapping my arms around myself and trying to fight the cold that had clung to me as soon as I moved away from him.

I looked away from him.

He loved me?

"That was impressive, Kiera."

I looked at him, wondering what the eff he was talking about while I was in the midst of an emotional crisis right now.

He tilted his head to the left and back.

"You just used a real lot of your power and you're still on your feet. You've become stronger." He observed.

Swallowing past the knot of emotion that clogged my throat, I nodded.

"I can understand the Vamp tongue." I said.

Surprise flickered in his eyes before he cocked his head.

"Can you smell scents?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

I stilled.

"Um. No. Should I?" I asked, confused and eyeing him warily as he came closer.

He shook his head.

"I'm just curious. It seems that you've come to realize your true strength with your memories being unlocked."

"How does that work?" I asked, dropping my hands because he was close enough to radiate heat that could go toe to toe with any furnace.

He shrugged, "It could be as simple as the fact that your mind believes your stronger and thus you are."

I just stared up at him.

He loved me.

He stepped closer and we were toe to toe. My chest brushed his with every breath I took.

"Tell me how you feel about me," he demanded, his voice low and his eyes hooded.

How did he go from serious to sexy in three seconds?

What, did he have a clap-on-clap-off switch or something?

I glared at him.

"Tell me more about this blood oath." I said, staring directly into his eyes.

He looked at me for a few seconds before straightening.

"It's just a promise in blood I made to my mother saying I will marry Katie-"

I lifted my leg and kicked his shin. He didn't even flinch.

"I swear to God Kiel you even think about marrying her I will kill you before you can finish thinking that thought." I threatened, my index pressed against his chest accusingly.

He jerked forward so fast I couldn't track him, and pressed a kiss to my lips. I didn't even have time to lean back away from his kiss, before he broke away and spoke.

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