Galaxy Of Unknown Truths

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I've been meaning to ask, did you awesome sauce people understand what the cover means? Comment and tell me if you did! :D <3 Enjoy, A/N at the end, I hope you read it, it's a wee bit important.


All of us grabbed our capes and I tugged on mine. Gold bedazzled ish that it was. When I turned to look at Kiel, I'm pretty sure I swallowed my tonsils. With his hood on, and half his face in shadow, he looked like a hot enigma. I quickly looked away. Best not to look at him anymore.

We were the first to leave because our cabs were here, so as Will started to reach for my bag, I protested.

"I can carry it, Will."

"Yeah, but I'm the guy."

If I wasn't so shocked I would have totally kneed him.

I held on tighter to my bag. "I'm a guy too. Surgeries made me look this way." I said, and hauled my stuff to the taxi guy, who'd been eyeing my suitcases for a while now. Oh, come on, they weren't that big. Wait till he sees Gin's. I smirked at him and he paled.

Oh. He was a Normal. A human. No wonder he was so wary. He wasn't scared of the size of the baggage. No, he was scared of us. I kind of feel very proud, because this guy towered over me and had like this big balloons for arms and stuff. And I was here like some pony, and I bet if I said "Boo." He would run screaming or find a corner to rock in. I pretty much felt like one of the Avengers after they saved the world while I walked away. As Gin came with her bags. Really effing big ones too, he seemed to relax a little. Probably found a little normalcy in girls carrying bags thrice their weight.

Excuse me, but we have to wear things that... uphold stuff, some men can barely stand wearing underwear, so of course their damn bag is smaller.

Oh, well.

I turned around and blew everyone a kiss, before getting into the cab. Will was next to me (very sneaky) and Gin was the last to get in. I scowled at her and she scowled back in a what-the-hell-was-I-supposed-to-do way. I sighed and turned to look back through the tinted rear glass of the cab. Fee was waving like a maniac, I chuckled and waved back and so did Gin, though since she had the window down and was the closest to them, she just leaned out and did so. I had to rely on their 20-20 vision. Soon they all gathered near her window and we said our last goodbyes as the cabbie got in and shut his door extra hard. I met Kiel's eyes one last time. He met mine and gave a slight jerk with his chin as if to say, take care of yourself. I smirked and nodded and gave the jerk back, you too.

I saw a smirk, before Derek came in between and put half of himself into the cab.

"Don't leave me with these people, Kiki!" he cried, wiggling his fingers that were practically in front of my face. Will leaned back while Gin cracked up. I laughed and held his hands for a few seconds before nudging them back. All of us shared a sort of sad look and the Will asked the cabbie to, "Let's go, already."

I stared at him in surprise.

Honestly, I don't understand him. One minute he's a Unicorn, then he's one of those purple minions.

When I looked around, I noticed that Katie hadn't been amongst the group that was standing near Gin's open window. She was standing a few feet away and her eyes were on Kiel and she had the saddest expression I'd ever seen. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. In between me and Kiel, she was the one who was getting hurt. But as soon as he turned, her expression brightened almost into a painfully happy expression and she caught Kiel's hand in hers, twining their fingers together. She went up on her toes to say something to him, and then I couldn't see anymore, the cab was too far away.

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