Liar, Liar

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No response. This was getting better and better.

"Funny, I'd always thought you were a figment of my imagination." I said softly, not letting the anger, pain and confusion show. No, my fists would do that later.

He stood up from his throne, twenty feet away from me. His dark hair and green brown eyes, that looked like honey and dew dripped grass mixed together, flashing in the artificial light in the large ass room. He was tall, almost six and a half feet. His cape didn't come with a hood. It was a large purple silk that seemed hitched to his shoulder. The edges met in the front so I couldn't see what he wore. As he took a step forward, I did however see jeans and black boots.

"You look so much like your mother." He said, his voice like dripping honey. He looked sad.

My hands fisted by my side as I lifted my gaze to meet his. How dare he...

He smiled at me, as he continued to walk towards me. My spine straightened, sparks flying between my clenched fingers. Let him come closer, I'll show him just how I feel about him.

He stepped close enough that if I took a step forward I could touch him.

"Most people say that I resemble my father." I said, taking a dig at him, my eyes engraving holes in him.

He snorted, "Then most people don't know your mother."

I tossed my hair back, "And you do? The man who's maybe the reason my father didn't survive?"

"Maybe?" he asked, laughing bitterly. "You mean most definitely."

I went slack, my fingers loosening.

"You mixed the poison?" I asked, staring.

He nodded, his eyes flashing with the kind of hate I had for him. Except it wasn't directed at me.

My teeth gritted.

"You bastard." I spat.

He shook his head slowly. "Would you say that same thing if you knew that your father is a murdered himself?"

He kept saying the word father with a disdain that people reserved for scums and it angered me. He was just pouring effing oil into a volcano. If that makes sense.

When what the Vamp King told me registered, I laughed my ass off.

"Oh yeah, who'd he kill?" I challenged.

"Your mother." He said.

My whole world stopped spinning.


My father?

He killed my mother?

"What?" I asked, my head feeling light, like I wasn't here anymore.

The Vamp king leaned forward, uttering words that would forever wreck my life.

"You father murdered your mother." He said to me, his eyes drilling holes in mine.

"I don't believe you." I said, shaking my head, "Why should I?" I asked.

He looked at me sadly. "Because your mother was my mate."

Because your mother was my mate.


My life as I knew it came to a halt.

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