When The Past And Present Collide

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"The past is never where you think you left it."

― Katherine Anne Porter

The song is Let It Go by Demi Lovato, you'll get why I uploaded it by the end of the chapter. Type "I got it!" when you get it. :D Love all ya'll!


"What happened?" Derek asked, leaning in close to see my face. I swatted at him.

"Someone get Gin, or she'll sue me." I meant it literally. That agreement we signed was still valid.

Jet was out of the room and tugged along a grumpy, half asleep looking Gin into the room moments later. She blinked up at us, then fell on the bed, face first.

"This better be good." She muttered, her voice muffled.

I felt that tingling sensation in my head again. Kiel was peeking in my head again. Patience of a squirrel. I shook my head at him, but he wasn't looking at me. When he stilled, I realized that what I has seen was possibly reality.

"I saw something." I said.

"Like the light at the end of the tunnel?" Derek joked.

Before I could reply, Gin sat up, staring at me. "What's he talking about?"

"She stopped breathing for five minutes." Jet explained.

Before Gin could launch into a lecture, I spoke. "Do you want to know what happened or not?"

They nodded (except Kiel), he was still watching Kiera Live.

Taking a deep breath, I started to tell Jet, Derek and Gin what I'd seen. By the time I'd finished, Gin was cursing up a storm, Jet had his lips pursed and Derek was pale.

Kiel was running his hands through his hair in frustration or confusion, I don't know. Neither was good. He looked up to meet his brother's gaze and both of them looked like they were just told that someone had died.

"Okay, you're freaking me out."

"You're having visions." Jet said, looking speculative.

"No," Kiel said, his voice low and it sent a shiver through me, "She's doing something worse."

"We need to get out of here," Derek whispered, before disappearing like a tornado out of the room.

Kiel's arms were under my legs and he was lifting me, pressing me close to his chest. Gin followed behind him, meeting my confused stare with one of her own.

"I can walk," I whispered to Kiel.

He squeezed me a little and said, "I know."

Realizing he needed this...somehow and that free rides aren't something someone should complain about, I shut up. Derek had three bags packed and was standing with a hand on Jet's shoulder. The angles of his face were sharp against his skin, as if stretched in terror. He wasn't looking at us. He was looking somewhere far off, in a place that the eye cannot see. He would then whisper something low and Jet would nod.

Kiel and Gin also placed an arm on Jet and for a few minutes we bent space, time and distance landing in some sort of desert.

I stared around us and squinted. The harsh rays of sunlight reflected off the white as sin sand and pierced me eyes. So, clearly I'm going to have to deal with this ish and be mature.


"Okay. So I'm not staying here."

Yes, I may be tough and kickass, but I'm still a girl. Say hello to my ovaries.

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