No Man's Land

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Guys, this chapter is dedicated to casandra_gamino. She drew me SEVEN unicorns for Christmas. She is SUCH a darling. I know I've said it a thousand times, but THANK you casandra_gamino, it was the perfect Christmas gift ever. I loved it. So much. She is so talented guys. Check out her profile too! :D I don't know how to put it up tho :/ Help?

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.

-Roy L. Smith.

And the song is Adore You by Miley Cyrus. She may be very unpredictable on stage, but her music is just damn gooood. <3. Admit it. :D


Now that my body was done being in shock, my period pain came back. My body makes me feel better and then goes, JK.

Honestly, I wanted to borrow Gru's freeze gun and freeze my uterus and ask it to just chill.

Letting out a pained sigh, I confirmed again, "He wants to see me?" I asked.

Lazarus nodded, "Shall we go then?" he asked.

"Not without me she won't." Kiel said, stepping up to me, wiping his hands on a piece of cloth that I belatedly realized had been his shirt once upon a time.

"Give me a second, I'll be back." He said, realizing he was shirtless the same second I did.

Lazarus was muttering something under his breath and when I leaned closer and murmured, "What was that?"

He shook his head at me like I wouldn't get it, just as Kiel came back to my side having donned on a dark grey shirt. When I looked at him, I frowned, noticing few specks of gold paint against his neck. I rubbed my palm against it, trying to get it away, but it had dried. I shook my head at him, like he was a little child.

He just threw me a smile like he knew I wasn't really disapproving, and wrapped an arm around me and dragged me closer.

"Shall we?" Lazarus asked. Both of us nodded.

"Guess who's coming too?" I heard Derek say as he joined Kiel's side, his jaw set in a stubborn line.

"Me," Gin said, coming to stand next to me.

"And me." Jet said, coming to stand next to Gin.

Lazarus shook his head, "While I'm happy you have really good friends, I find myself equally aggravated at the prospect." He grumbled.

I raised an eyebrow, and he turned to lead the way.

"Derek's skills are really useful," Gin commented to me silently.

Ah, so that's how they figured out where we were heading. Derek, the seer. Oracle and all that ish.

"Huh." Is all I said.

Master of communications, that's me.

When Lazarus stopped at a large door and pushed it open and entered, Kiel and I followed first. The others right behind us. When I saw who was inside, I stilled for a minute.

Golden boy was just about right.

The only way I could describe his hair was to say that it was...sunshine. It gleamed with an inner light that was almost blinding. His golden strands were thick and slightly curly towards the ends. They weren't long, but they brushed his ears and his forehead. His eyes were a beautiful sky blue with curly as ass eyelashes. Damn men. He was tall with broad shoulders. His skin a bronze that would be envied by many Normals. His face was ruggedly beautiful, all sharp angles and harsh lines. His lips were thick and would've made him look more like an angel if he hadn't been scowling.

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