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Guess who's baaaaaaaaaaack!

Anywho, I hope you like this chapter. I shall post the next one real soon.

Exams be over. SO over.


"You are stuck with me till the world falls to pieces, and if we're not still standing even then we'll still find a way to be together..."
― Ottilie Weber, End of the Line


Since my friends were bull heads and loved me too much, they insisted on joining us on the trip to see my aunt. I'm pretty sure Lazarus had an apoplexy when he saw that Derek, Jet and Gin were joining us. This meant that he had to take more than one car because some of his men were obviously coming too and he hadn't equated this into his plan. I almost laughed when he realized that he had to change plans to accommodate other people and he looked like he was in physical pain.

Gin, Derek, Jet, Kiel and I were standing outside on sand wondering where the eff the cars were and how we were going to be able to get to where my dad's sister was. Derek startled for a second next to me and looked at Kiel. I looked at Kiel too and Kiel's face was blank. Like a slate. And obviously, immediately I was curious. And suspicious. But mostly curious.

Gin nudged me and I looked at her. She gave me a sympathetic smile and asked, "How are you doing?"

I shrugged, "Not too bad." Lie.

My best friend saw right through it. I saw it in the tightening of her lips and the narrowing of her eyes. But she didn't push. How did I end up with understanding people?

"You?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Will is a douche."

No true words had ever been spoken before.

"And I deserve better," she said and for a second her eyes flitted to behind me. I stilled. There was only person behind me her eyes could've flitted to.

And that was Jet.

Mother. Effer.

How had I missed that?

My jaw dropped open and I stared at her, she met my eyes defiantly, like she thought I would say something about her preference.

"Hey if you think I'm going to judge, I'd like to point out," I mouthed the rest, "that my mate is a Vamp."

She looked down, her teeth worrying her lip and I felt like I needed to reassure her more. When I opened my mouth to tell her just how much I didn't care, Lazarus started to walk up to us. Behind him were three larger Vamps.

One was blonde, the other was a red head and the third had purple hair. I liked him already.

Lazarus introduced the blonde as Hill, the Vamp who could trace people with blood and a picture, the red head as Greg and the Vamp rocking the purple hair-do as Dex.

"Thank you, Dex," I said immediately, then added in case he didn't get it, "For the energy boost."

"Pleasure, Princess." He said, his canines flashing as he smiled at me.

Princess? Was he making fun of me?


You are their princess. Kiel said.

Yes, thanks Einstein. I said, sliding him a duh look.

My father was their damn King and I was his daughter. So that made me...

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