To Help With The Sound

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My head was turned, since my back was to Kiel. My mouth flopped open, then closed.

Open and close.

And repeat.

"Kiera?" Kiel murmured again and leaned forward to look over my shoulder at me, his eyes slipping down to my uh, pose.

My hands were held up and were screwed up into tight fists, I was slightly crouched down with one foot in front of the other. My pretty butt in shorts were all up in his face, since I'd dropped my blanket in shock.

I cleared my throat and turned around, picking up what little dignity I had left. I smoothed my hands down my shorts and faced him, like I hadn't just pulled a few karate and taekwondo mix moves.

"Soooo.." I said, rocking back and forth on my heels and throwing him a confident grin.

"So?" Kiel said, drawing the word out just as slowly as I did, with a rise of his eyebrows.

"Nice weather, huh?" I said, waving my hands at the ceiling, as wind and rain beat against the house and the sea lashed against the shore.

Probably should have thought about something else to talk about.

"There's a cyclone outside," Kiel said, tilting his head forward to look at me very seriously.

Definitely should've thought about something else to talk about.

"Hey. Don't be mean. A storm is a weather too." I said, crossing my hands across my chest and sticking my noise into the air, daring him to say no.

When you don't know what to do, you improvise.

Kiel pressed his lips together, but a sliver of a smile slipped through.

When the most horrible and angry thunder blew across the sky, I ripped the blacker off the floor and bum rushed into Kiel's room and landed in a heap onto his bed, with the covers over my head.

"I didn't actually think it was possible," Kiel said, turning and slowly shutting the door behind him.

I peeked through the small gaps in the cover.

"Think what wasn't possible?" I whispered, afraid to scare the sky into burping again. Though, in all fairness the lightning that graced us with its presence just now, was less of the sound that comes out of someone's mouth and more of the sound that comes out of a mean, horrible, fat, greasy, truck driver's rear end.

Not that I've heard the sound that comes out of the other end of a mean, horrible, fat, greasy, truck driver's rear end, but I assume that's how it sounds.

"To scare Kiera Calloway." he said, leaning back against the door.

I scoffed, throwing off the covers and crossed my hands again.

"I'm not scared," I said, pronouncing the word 'scared' as if it were a bad word.

An eye brow-the pierced one-raised, before he indicted at the door, with a casual wave of his right hand.

"So that was, what? You playing ghost?" he asked, smirking.

Okay. I'll admit. Running with the blanket on my head, I probably did look like a ghost. But please.

"Pshaw. I was just...," think of something Kiera, "practicing for a..a run-a-thon"

Stupid does not cover what I am right now.

Kiel's eyebrows lifted again.

"" he asked.

Since stupid had already spewed out of my mouth, I might as well run with it.

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