I Blame Paranormal Activity

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The rest of the ride was awkward, silent and uncomfortable. The increased tension in the air was so stifling, that at some point Derek brought down the window and took a deep breath, then raised it back before Kiel (or I) could throw him a nasty look, since we couldn't throw each other one.

My hands were crossed and I stared studiously outside the window, since this time Jet was sitting in the middle. Kiel was driving like a normal person, minus the steely glare he threw at the road. I'm surprised the road hadn't caved under his burning gaze, which I sometimes spied in the rear view mirror.

Suddenly, the temperature looked like it dropped and I blinked as I leaned forward. The sky was a little darker. I brought down the window and took a deep breath.

The sea. I could smell the sea. The salt and humidity. A smile split my face and I looked beside me. Derek and Jet were throwing me cautious looks, like they were sure if I was going to bite their heads off, or be nice to them.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the Sea House," Katie said, surprising me with her willingness to answer.

"Ah." I said and continued to stare out. I loved the smell of the sea.

A few minutes later Kiel stopped the vehicle and I hopped out, ripping my heels off and squealing as I ran towards the beach.

Why the hell didn't they call this the beach house? Sea house? What the hell?

I dumped the damned heels somewhere on the sand and ran right towards the waves taunting me with their advance and retreat on the wet sand. When the water hit my ankles, I squealed again.

"Cold!" I said, before laughing at myself. I looked up to see that Kiel and Derek had followed me. Jet and Katie were heading toward a laaarge mansion that stood tall and proud above an area spread with octagonal black-ish rocks. I whistled at the sight that effectively intimidated me.

"Sexy," I said.

"I told you, you'll like it." Derek said, a proud grin splitting across his face.

I tossed him a grin, before waving at Gin and Will above my head and jumping up and down like an energizer bunny.

"Guys the water is great!" I hollered.

Will laughed and rolled his eyes at me and started removing our bags and hauling them towards the house.

"Thanks!" I yelled again at him and he tossed me a grin. My hair whipped my face and I pulled the strands aside to shout at my best friend who was staring at the water distrustfully.

"I double dare you," I said, throwing her my best I-challenge-you look. She threw me a haughty look of her own and tossed her heels away and sauntered over to me, with attitude.

I grinned and locked arms with her. We stepped into the water together and she squealed at its unexpected chillness.

"Holy Mother and Her babies. It's cold!" she said and backed away.

I snickered and made chicken noises. She huffed at me and came to stand next to me, lifting her nose in the air. I laughed at her...and she sloshed water at me. I spluttered out salt water and blinked water out of my eyes.

"Someone hold me back, so I can act like I'm going to kill my best friend," I said, acting like I was pushing back my non-existing sleeves as if to get ready for battle.

"Why am I holding you back?" Derek asked even as he held my baby bicep (since it was just showing a little growth).

"Well duh," I said rolling my eyes, "I don't actually want to kill her, so I'm going to act like I'm going to, so that I can scare her and she doesn't throw water at me again."

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