Down Memory Lane

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The song to the right is The Journey by Epic Pop :)) I hope you like it and can somehow connect it to the story and maybe explain why I've connected it to the story. Tee Hee. >.<

Happy reading!


When I opened my eyes, I was lying on a cot.

The eff.

I looked around and everything around me seemed older.

A shout had me jerking in surprise and I stood to follow it.

When I entered a room through a small connecting door, I walked in on my mother giving birth to me.

She didn't have a nurse...if you didn't couldn't Lazarus (I couldn't see his face too clearly, because the memory was blurry, but I wouldn't recognise him anywhere). He was giving her instructions in a firm, but soothing voice as he sat between her spread legs. I walked over to my mother, but the room was too dark. I couldn't see her face because it was cast in shadows. Frustrated, I sat down on the chair next to her, waiting...

She was in labour for an hour. She was in lots of pain, and I almost hated myself for this.

When the cry of a baby sounded, I gasped.

Lazarus was making cooing noises, as he wrapped something small in a bundle.

"Is it a girl?" My mother asked, her voice hoarse and her hand shaking as she lifted it up towards him.

I couldn't see her face, dammit!

Lazarus smiled at my mother and I awed at the expression on his face. It was one of pure love and devotion. I could see this despite the slightly distorted view the memory seemed to have.

He brought the bundle up to my mother, and placed it beside her.

"She's perfect." He said, leaning forward to kiss her (I presume).

Why was it so dark?

"So are you," he whispered.

My mothed snorted, her fingers gently running along my face.

"I've been in labour for hours, I probably look like a sweaty oompa loompa." She said.

I snickered, because it's something I would have said too. Then I leaned in to take a look at myself and my nose crinkled.

Damn, I looked like a monkey.

Everything darkened around me and I felt myself falling.

The next few memories, was like a walk through. I walked through memories of me laughing and playing with Lazarus and my mother. Once he'd taken us out of ice cream. But all three of us were spelled to look different. Then I saw one where we took a road trip to...

My breath caught.

OH. MY. GOD. I have been to Disney Land and I've forgotten it.

I'mma witch slap Lazarus for taking these memories away from me, as soon as I see him. I'mma witch slap him so hard google won't be able to find him.

Effing biological dad, messing with my Disney Land memories.

When that day was over, I honestly didn't know why I wasn't living there? WHY.

Then, I blacked out.


Where was I?

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