My Thunder

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I have actually been planning this chapter for awhile. There's a lot of kissy stuff, which I didn't plan, it's actually my way of bribing you for a late update. Buuuut I'd like to tell you about this chappy. When I first heard Thunder by BLG I was sold, totally and absolutely. I hope this song does to you what it did to me. It fits so very perfectly for this chappy. Hope you enjoy.


I was on his bed before I could take another breath in, his face was right about me and his forearms were pressed on the bed, on either side of my shoulders, so as to keep his weight off me. My hand were wrapped around Kiel's neck and my fingers were clenched in his soft straight hair. I twirled my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck and he shivered. Enchanted I did it again and received the same response.

"I have something for you," he said, I cocked my head, wondering what he was talking about.

When did he have time to get me anything?

He tugged out of my gasp and for a minute I shivered as the cool air caressed me everywhere he'd been, but I didn't have to wait long, because he was back. He flipped us, so that I was straddling him and sitting up. He held up two donuts and my heart melted.

Forget diamond rings, give me rings of chocolate and dough, I'd be yours forever. I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say this. Yeah, I'm talking about you.

Smiling happily, I tugged one out of his hand and chewed happily. He placed the other donut on his flat and hard stomach and folded his hands behind his head. His lips didn't lift in a smile, but his eyes glowed with one. I was turning into an effing poet.

After a few minutes of silence while I was licking my fingers clean after donut #2, he asked, "Tell me about the shield you made yesterday for me." Yesterday because it was past one in the morning.

I cocked my head, "I don't know, honestly, it just happened." I said, truthfully, staring down at him, lost in my own thoughts.

In the next second he was up and his forehead almost brushed mine, "Why?"

I was staring at his lips, good thing too, otherwise I wouldn't have realized he said something.

"What?" I asked.

He smiled, one part shy and all parts smug. Damn.

He repeated the question for me and I shrugged, "Probably in response to you being in danger."

He smirked at me, "Sweetheart, I was never in danger." He said and suddenly I was on my back again.

"Maybe," I said, my voice coming out a little breathless.

He just continued to smirk at me, like he found me endearing.

"And what about you?" I teased, my voice coming out gentle. I'd never heard it sound like this before. Mushy-squishy-noodly. Oh God, I was going crazy.

"What about me?" he asked, tilting his head to the right, strands of hair slid with him, caressing his forehead and distracting me. I had to lift my hand and run it through the black and red strands now. Now that I was there, I had to trace my fingers over his brow, explore his piercing. So, I did. I twirled a finger around the piercing and couldn't stop myself from asking, "Did it hurt?"

"Like a motherfu-"

I laughed before he could finish, realizing that he had admitted to how it really felt rather than before when I'd first asked him... he'd just shrugged it off then. He leaned forward and nipped my lip, I looked down from his piercing into his eyes, remembering that he had done the same thing before as a reprimand. Realizing that that's what it was this time as well, I sucked on my bottom lip to soothe the hurt. He then pressed a finger to my chin and pulled my lower lip out and ran a finger over it, as if rubbing the sting away.

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