Sweeter, How?

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Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock. And, as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

~You Know Who Said This <3

Onto the update!

Oh, song to the right/top is Trumpets by Jason Derulo. Loveeeeeeeeeee that song!


A stabbing pain to my abdomen jolted me awake.

Naturally, my first thought was: I'm dying.

When I looked at my stomach and saw that no knife or sword (or I don't know, iPhone charger?) was sticking out of my stomach and there was no blood, I heaved a sigh.

And the pain hit me again. Drawing in a gasp, I realized what it was.

Oh, fun. I'm getting my period.

A door banged open and Kiel was kneeling in front of me in seconds, his hands on my face, his violet eyes tracing my features, searching for what had distressed me.

When pain twisted my stomach, I pressed a hand to it, my face screwing up in discomfort.

"Kiera..what's wrong? I left for three seconds and you were only asleep for less than half an hour..." his words trailed off when he caught my resigned expression.

I sighed, "I'm fine." I grimaced when another cramp decided to ruin my life for a few seconds. I got up to stand, but Kiel pressed a hand to my shoulder, pressing me back down.

"We don't know where you're hurt, Kiera. Stay still."

I don't think Kiel realized, so I decided to tell him. Point blank.

"Kiel, I got my period." I said.

He froze.

He literally froze. Not a single muscle moved. He just stared at me, like he didn't even think of that possibility.

Okay, while this was entertaining and all, I really needed a tampon or a pad. STAT. Before this place turned into something out of the movie 300 after my uterus screams THIS IS SPARTA!

I pushed Kiel's hand off my shoulder and asked him where Gin's room was. He blinked a few times and then, picked me up and speed walked (in three seconds) to Gin's room. I slipped down to the floor carefully, don't want to antagonize my uterus, and knocked real hard on her door.

I did out code knock. One, two, one, two, three.

The door opened a minute later and Gin's eyes widened.

"I have just what you need!" she said, ushering me in and scowling at Kiel when he went to enter. He narrowed his eyes and stepped back, crossing his hands, as if to say he wasn't going to move. Gin shrugged, but shut the door in his face.

She then turned to me and said, "He's kind of swoony."

"True story." I muttered. "Now, tampon? Pad? Anything?"

She grinned, "You're late, you know." She said, as she went to the bathroom and started rummaging for something.

I followed her silently, counting back.

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