I Do

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You say, you say, you say. But what do you do?


Happy reading sweets! <3!


I was drowning in the lies that my life was built on. I couldn't lift my head to catch a breath, because another wave of lies pulled me back under.

And suddenly, a simple feeling welled up inside me, threatened to drown me.

I had a parent.

I had a living parent.

The child in me that had lost both her parents rejoiced, while the girl who grew up feeling alone and abandoned, hated Lazarus for letting me get caught in a net of lies that had had me believing in half truths.

That girl, the one who was abandoned, brought me back to my senses, locking any other part of me that would leave me vulnerable to more pain.

"Kiera," Lazarus, my father, said. His voice sounded normal, but his eyes, so much like mine, betrayed him. They told me how much he needed me to figure out who he was to me. But like every other lick of emotion I had seen in him, this one disappeared too and I was left wondering if I had just imagined it.

Lazarus stepped closer and I held up a hand and he stopped. Kiel was behind me with his chest pressed against my back, his arms on my hips and a small squeeze had me shutting my eyes and pinching my eyes.

"Am I half-Vamp?" I asked, not daring to look up, barely believing that I was half-Vamp.

When I had the courage to look up, Lazarus was looking at me with a cocked head.

"Do you crave blood?"

I snorted and shook my head.

"Then, you're not." He said.

"So the fact that you're my biological father has no effect, whatsoever, on me?" I asked, saying biological father on purpose. Because right now that's all he was to me. That's all I could allow myself to think of him as.

When Kiel stiffened, I was surprised and turned my head to look at him. But his eyes were glaring at Lazarus, who was looking back impassively.

"What?" I asked.

Lazarus looked back at me and said.

"Somewhere along the mother's line, someone must've been a Vamp. Because unless your mother's blood had a little bit of Vamp running in it, she wouldn't have been able to blood with me. Also, because she has a little bit of Vamp in her, it must've affected her ability to procreate. Which is why she blooded with someone who's genes matched perfectly and I am the only one who could've had children with her."

Thus meant that..

"So, this means that the reason I'm blooded to Kiel is because I have a little Vamp in my blood too and it has-"

Lazarus nodded, "Yes, it has affected your ability to procreate as well because Vamps generally have a lower reproductive rate as some of them can go years without finding a mate."

Was it because each and every one of them was really strong and it acted like a check on their population? Like how tigers were always lesser in number compared to the deer? Okay. This comparison was not making me feel comfortable.

Blooded to a VampireWhere stories live. Discover now